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Q2433571 Inglês

Considere a seguinte informação sobre superlativos:

“Em praticamente todos os idiomas do mundo, existem expressões que estabelecem comparações entre coisas, seres ou situações. É muito comum utilizar tais expressões para estipular preferências ou destacar atributos de determinada coisa ou pessoa. Devido a essa necessidade que os superlativos se fazem tão importantes no uso cotidiano de qualquer língua.”

(adaptado de < > acesso em 6 de jun. de 2023.)

Analise a sentença a seguir considerando a informação sobre os superlativos:

“In my opinion, Goiania is _____________ city in Brazil. (beautiful)”

Assinale a alternativa CORRETA do superlativo da palavra “beautiful”:

Q2433570 Inglês

Leia a seguir as informações sobre:

“Os adjetivos na língua inglesa são invariáveis em relação ao gênero e em relação ao número. Os adjetivos na Língua Inglesa geralmente são colocados antes do substantivo, exceto quando houver um verbo entre eles.”

(Adaptado de: <> acesso em: 4 de jun. de 2023)

Com base nas informações apresentadas e considerando a função dos adjetivos na Língua inglesa, assinale a alternativa que apresenta o adjetivo em destaque:

Q2421824 Inglês

Concerning the use of adjectives, Swan stablishes that the following sentences are correct or incorrect.

I. A fat old white horse.

II. A big grey woolen sweater.

III. New Italian boots.

IV. A little modern square brick house.

The correct alternatives are:

Q2406452 Inglês

Text to answer the question. 

In: Political thought: the problem with liberalism.

The Economist, Edição impressa, p. 74, 27 jan. 2018. 

As far as grammar is concerned, mark the statements below as right (C) or wrong (E).

The suffix “-ish” in “leftish” (line 26) adds the notion of “somewhat or tending to” to the adjective “left”.

Q2402995 Inglês

ESL Teaching and Post-Pandemic: What Changed?

Altiné Moumouni

        The pandemic that started in 2019 has shaken the world, and it has transformed the way we interact, the way we work, and even made us appreciate the simplest things we took for granted.
                1. Pandemic creates shortage of qualified ESL teachers
             Currently, there are still fewer ESL teachers willing to travel abroad and teach ESL. At the same, countries like the USA experience a massive reduction in ESL teachers. About 44% of public schools in the USA declare they need at least one teacher, and 61%, particularly of these vacancies, are due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including 51% resignations and 21% retirements (Source:
                2. Pandemic increases uncertainty among ESL teachers
             The pandemic increased the level of uncertainty as nobody actually knows what will happen next. The best way to prepare is to invest in yourself and become a better teacher.
              3. Parents may experience income reduction
            Most countries, including the USA, will experience postpandemic recession, reducing households’ discretionary spending for education. This may lead to fewer private tutoring jobs available for ESL teachers. In addition, some ESL students may need to drop out of school to support their families.
              4. ESL teachers less sure about teaching as a career
         A study from the Brookings Institution found that, during the pandemic, teachers have become less confident about their career choices. The researchers found that many teachers considered leaving or retiring during the 2020-2021 academic year.   
             5. Pandemic increases role of technology in ESL learning
            One of the biggest issues is the increased role of technology in ESL learning. In most western countries, including the UK, Canada, and the United States, many ESL students have at least some access to electronic devices and internet. 

(Adapted from

Which of the following sentences correctly compares two objects using the comparative form?
6: B
7: D
8: D
9: C
10: B