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Q1855674 Inglês
Taking into account the following text, judge the subsequent item.

Perspectives on modern data analytics

By Eric Knorr - Editor in Chief, CIO | APR 12, 2021 3:00 AM PDT

Some things don't change, even during a pandemic. Consistent with previous years, in CIO’s 2021 State of the CIO survey, a plurality of the 1,062 IT leaders surveyed chose “data/business analytics” as the No.1 tech initiative expected to drive IT investment.
Unfortunately, analytics initiatives seldom do nearly as well when it comes to stakeholder satisfaction.
Last year, CIO contributor Mary K. Pratt offered an excellent analysis of why data analytics initiatives still fail, including poor-quality or siloed data, vague rather than targeted business objectives, and clunky one-size-fits-all feature sets. But a number of fresh approaches and technologies are making these pratfalls less likely.
New technology invariably incurs new risks. No advancement has had more momentous impact on analytics than machine learning – from automating data prep to detecting meaningful patterns in data – but it also adds an unforeseen hazard. As CSO Senior Writer Lucian Constantin explains in "How data poisoning attacks corrupt machine learning models," deliberately skewed data injected by malicious hackers can tilt models toward some nefarious goal. The result could be, say, manipulated product recommendations, or even the ability for hackers to infer confidential underlying data.
In the end, the secret to successful analytics is not in choosing and implementing the perfect technology, but in cultivating a broad understanding that pervasive analytics yields better decisions and superior outcomes. Usually, you can iron out technology kinks or requirements misunderstandings. But if you can't change the mindset, few will use the beautiful analytics machine you just built.

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Acesso em: 15 out. 2021. 
The adjective “pervasive” in pervasive analytics could be replaced by the adjective “extensive” without a change in meaning in the aforementioned context.
Q1610896 Inglês
Articles frequently accompany nouns. Choose the alternative that presents a general and a specific article, respectively.
Q1610696 Inglês
Choose the right preposition to fill up the following sentence: “I’m data scientist ____ MJSP.”
Q1254857 Inglês

Sleep (slēp):

    A natural state of rest, occurring at regular intervals, in which the eyes usually close, the muscles relax, and
   responsiveness to external events decreases. Growth and repair of the tissues of the body are thought to occur duringsleep, and energy is conserved and stored. In humans and some other animals, scientists have identified one phase of sleep (called REM sleep) as the phase in which dreams occur.
    Did You Know? Shakespeare had it right. He said that sleep was the "balm of hurt minds" and that sleep "knits up the ravel'd sleeve of care." In other words, sleep helps overcome the stress of everyday life. So the third of your life you spend asleep is not a waste of time. All warm-blooded animals have the need to sleep. Studies have shown that animals that are not allowed to sleep for a long enough time can actually die. Babies, human and animal, sleep even more than adults do. Researchers think that babies may sleep so much because it helps the young body continue to develop quickly. Not only are babies' bodies growing, but their brains are, too – and sleep is very important for the brain. During sleep, the brain sorts through experiences and stores important new information for later use. This processing of experiences, in fact, is thought to be a major source of dreams.

(Source: The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.)
Mark what is CORRECT to say about dreams:
Q1254848 Inglês


Five ways to get a better bedtime routine by Amy Sedghi

Getting to sleep can be a struggle, but blackout blinds and to-do lists can help – as can reserving the bedroom for sex and shut-eye

An eye mask will block out light.

1. Go to bed at regular times

Going to sleep and waking up at regular times – even on weekends – will strengthen your body clock, says Dr Lizzie Hill, a clinical sleep physiologist and a spokeswoman for the British Sleep Society. Regular mealtimes are also an important cue for your circadian rhythm. Avoid exercise too close to bedtime, as it can cause restlessness and an elevated body temperature, says Samantha Briscoe, a senior physiologist at the Sleep Centre at London Bridge hospital.

2. Protect the bedroom

Preserve the bedroom as a place for sleep (and sex): there is evidence that the brain forms a strong association with sleep there. A temperature of 16- 18C (60-64F) is thought to be ideal for most, according to the Sleep Council, an awareness and support organisation. Blackout blinds or an eye mask can help block out light, while keeping electronic devices out of the bedroom is highly recommended. If you struggle to fall asleep after more than 25 minutes, Matthew Walker – a sleep expert and a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley – suggests getting up and going to read under a dim light in another room. Once sleepy, you can return to bed.

3. Get ahead on the next day

Your night-time routine is an opportunity to make mornings run a little smoother: choose your clothes for the next day when you reach for your pyjamas or pack your bag while brushing your teeth. Martin Hagger, a professor of health psychology at the University of California, Merced, has stressed how routines are linked to the formation of healthy habits.

4. Wind down

Reading a book can help slow breathing and relax muscles, while yoga stretches or even a gentle walk can reduce anxiety, says Briscoe. A warm bath or shower can also help you relax: researchers at the University of Texas at Austin found that bathing in water of 40-42.5C one to two hours before bedtime was associated with better sleep.

5. Write down your worries

“If your mind is buzzing from the day, try keeping a journal or worry book,” suggests Hill. The NHS also recommends writing to-do lists for the next day in order to organise thoughts and clear the mind. “If you experience difficulty with sleep over the longer term, consider whether there may be an underlying medical condition,” says Hill. A sleep diary could help you identify any patterns

( Access: 08/01/2020)

Mark the option that best describes the phrasal verb “wind down” taken from the text:
6: C
7: E
8: B
9: D
10: C