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        Imagine you are planning a Holiday in Boston, say, or Sydney, or Dublin. Now, what if you could stay with locals who could give you a guided tour, take you to the best pub or beach, help you improve your English… and all for free? Welcome to the world of Couchsurfing! Yes, Couchsurfing is about a free couch – or bed, or room, or hammock, so it is great for budget travelers. But it is much more than that. The couchsurfing philosophy is about connecting people and cultures. The ethos is “Making the world a better place – one couch at a time.”

         The idea was born in San Francisco in 1999. A young man called Casey Fenton was planning a long weekend in Reykjavik. Iceland is expensive and Casey needed cheap accommodation. So he e-mailed over 1,500 Icelandic students in Reykjavik to ask if he could sleep on their couch. Casey was not only offered couches, the students also showed him ‘their’ Reykjavik. Casey decided this was a great way to travel, and launched the site with three friends in 2003. Today the world has more than 2.5 million Couchsurfers, 86,347 of which live in Brazil, the eighth most popular CS country.

(From: BECKER, K. Couchsurfing. Speak up.

São Paulo, n. 290, p. 26, out.2011.)

De acordo com o texto, “Couchsurfing” é uma maneira de viajar. A esse respeito, assinale a alternativa correta.
