A “method” is not a relevant issue in such a connection bet...

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Ano: 2018 Banca: IF-SP Órgão: IF-SP Prova: IF-SP - 2018 - IF-SP - Português/Inglês |
Q947610 Inglês

A “method” is not a relevant issue in such a connection between approach and technique. As your teacher-trainees develop and carry out classroom techniques, they can benefit by grounding everything they do in well-established principles of language learning and teaching. In so doing, they will be less likely to bring a pre-packaged and possibly ineffective method to bear, and more likely to be directly responsive to their students’ purposes and goals.

(BROWN, H. Douglas. Beyond Method: Toward a principled approach to language learning and teaching. Anais do XIII ENPULI. 1995 p.45)

Which statement is correct according to Brown?
