In the current Brazilian context, especially in educational...

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Ano: 2019 Banca: FAU Órgão: IF-PR Prova: FAU - 2019 - IF-PR - Professor - Letras Inglês |
Q1646468 Inglês
In the current Brazilian context, especially in educational institutions, internationalisation policies have proved to be of great relevance. Internationalisation is based on the idea that increased bonds between different institutions situated in different sociocultural contexts, and with different developments, can contribute to the growth of every part of the process. Just as, in distinct spheres, the world has become increasingly globalised, similar dynamics can be spot in what regards knowledge. In this sense, the study of foreign languages, particularly of English (as our greater lingua franca), plays a key role for mediating such process. Regarding the idea of language teaching in this context of internationalisation, it is correct to affirm that: