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Q1776087 Inglês
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    RUBIÃO found a rival in the heart of Quincas Borba, - a dog, a beautiful dog, half size, lead-colored fur, spotted black. Quincas Borba took it everywhere they slept in the same room.In the morning, it was the dog that woke him up, in bed, where they exchanged their first greetings. One of the owner's extravagances wasgiving it his own name; but, he explained it for two reasons, one doctrinal, another particular (...).
   - You should laugh, my dear. Because immortality is my lot or my dowry, or as best name there is. I will live perpetually in my great book. Those who, however, do not can read, charlatan Quincas Borba to the dog, and ...
    The dog, hearing the name, ran to the bed. Quincas Borba, touched, looked at Quincas Borba.  
   - My poor friend! my good friend! my only friend!
   - Unique!
   - Excuse me, you are too, I know, and I thank you very much; but to a sick person everything is forgiven. Perhaps my delusion is beginning. Let me see the mirror.

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