Questões de Concurso Público IF-BA 2016 para Professor de Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês

Foram encontradas 9 questões

Q1394994 Inglês
Considering the Communicative Approach for the English teaching, mark the correct alternative.
Q1394995 Inglês
Considering the Reading Strategies which aim at helping the reader to better understand a given text, mark the alternative that is false.
Q1394996 Inglês
Taking into account the presuppositions of English Teaching as a Foreign Language and the Discourse Genre approach, mark the alternative which is correct.
Q1394997 Inglês
The dictionary is an important tool for an individual learning English. However, many students don’t make the most of using it. Taking into account Reading Strategies, mark the correct alternative concerning the right use of the dictionary in a language classroom.
5: A
6: D
7: C
8: B