Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Santa Leopoldina - ES 2021 para Professor de Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 38 questões

Q1679404 Inglês
"Every two years, the District of Columbia Arts Center musters a group of local artists as the latest Sparkplug collective. The closing exhibition of the current cohort, "States of Being," has a theme well suited to 2020: uncertainty. A few of the nine artists in the show, curated by Fabiola R. Delgado, offer pieces that are somewhat in flux. But most of the artworks are permanently fixed objects that take uncertainty as a subject or an element of a technique." (Fonte: ummmsaarrgaley-showws-n-dc/2 020/12/300eed9e000c493c111ebb-a99d9911e3e4aa 9228b9_storyhhmml d49e00c-493c-11eb-a9d9-1e3ec4a928b9_story.html)
According to the text, what was the theme of the closing exhibition "States of Being"?
Q1679405 Inglês
A BNCC (Base Nacional Comum Curricular) trouxe várias inovações para o ensino da Língua Inglesa. São mudanças advindas da BNCC, exceto:
Q1679406 Inglês

"Samantha uttered a curse against her stepdaughter."

The word curse can be translate by:

Q1679407 Inglês
The words that complete correctly the sentences below are:
I. My apartment is ____ than yours. II. What is the _____ growing plant in the world? III. The dog is the _____ friend of the man.
Q1679408 Inglês
"A few months ago, Taylor Swift released her album Folklore. The promotional pictures showed her in a woodsy setting, de-glamourised and in a cosy overcoat. The album had a raw, earthy, nostalgic energy, which toggled between simplicity, cosiness, and escapism. The perfect word salad to describe cottagecore. In one fell swoop, a fringe aesthetic catapulted into the mainstream." (Fonte: ecooe-aandt he-ise-othhe-mmoddernnrrura-antasy) ottagecore-and-the-rise-of-the-modern-rural-fantasy)
According to the text, how can be characterized the setting of the promotional pictures of Taylor Swift's album?
31: B
32: A
33: A
34: D
35: E