Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2022 para Diplomata - Tarde

Foram encontradas 36 questões

Q1927843 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary presented in the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E). 

In line 9, the expression “propertied nation” refers to the sovereignty of the Dutch nation.

Q1927844 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary presented in the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E). 

The text admits that Dutch culture, understood as “collective ways of seeing themselves, and the world beyond”, in lines 5 and 6, was a conscious invention.  

Q1927845 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary presented in the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E). 

Although conceived by a few local intellectuals and elite members, Dutch culture exerted an appeal over the rest of the country because the latter saw themselves reflected by those artistic expressions.  

Q1927846 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary presented in the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E).

As a consequence of the extreme fragmentation of American policy-making and diplomacy, ambassadors of the United States represent only the interests of the federal government abroad. 

Q1927847 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary presented in the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E).

Texts of treaties agreed upon by the American chief executive in an international negotiation might come to be later rejected or modified by the Senate of the United States. 

6: E
7: C
8: C
9: E
10: C