Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Porciúncula - RJ 2019 para Professor - Inglês

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Q1250578 Inglês
What life might be like in alien oceans.

Recent discoveries have led astrobiologists to think that moons are the most promising places for alien life to exist in our Solar System. And now several major space missions are being planned over the next decade to search for hints of life there.

Unlike our neighbouring planets, some of the moons have plenty of liquid water. Jupiter’s moon, Europa, for example, is thought to contain more liquid water than all of Earth's oceans combined. This water – and any life in it – is protected from space radiation and asteroid impacts by a thick layer of kilometersdeep surface ice.

The discovery of plumes of water shooting up from Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Europa have suggested they could have warm interiors that can support liquid oceans, heated not by the Sun, but by an internal dynamo powered by radioactive decay in their cores or by tidal heating generated by the gravitational attraction of the planets that they orbit.

There is now evidence for water oceans on several moons, including Europa, Enceladus, Callisto and Ganymede. One study published this June estimates that the Enceladus ocean is around one billion years old. Others have suggested it may be billions of years old – plenty of time for life to evolve.

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The negative form of the phrase “space missions are being planned over the next decade” is:
Q1250583 Inglês
Read the fragment below.

“The Referential Function is the one most commonly addressed in ESL/EFL settings because it concerns descriptions or contextual information. According to Holenstein (1974) it “dominates ordinary discourse [because we] designate objects and bestow them with meaning” (p.156). The most common topics addressed in beginning ESL/EFL course materials concern the surrounding environment (e.g., classroom objects and procedures, asking for or giving directions) or describing actions in physical or chronological context (e.g. daily routine, telling time.).” (Tribus, Angela C., 2017)

Analyzing the Referential Function as applied on the context above, it is correct to affirm that:
1: A
2: B