Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Porto Belo - SC 2019 para Professor - Inglês

Foram encontradas 4 questões

Q1625010 Inglês
In relation to the sounds of the English language, classify the assertions below into true (T) or false (F):
( ) The words thanks, thought, and teeth are produced with the voiceless “th”, while the words they, those and then are produced with the voiced “th”.
( ) The nasal /m/ doesn’t occur in final position in Portuguese at all. In English, it occurs in words such as aim, them and system. In both languages, lips don’t touch.
( ) The words cough and coffee are pronounced the same way. Both have one syllable.
( ) The words two and chew are pronounced the same way.
( ) Umbrella and uniform start with the same letter, but we say an umbrella and a uniform. Umbrella starts with a vowel sound but uniform starts with a semivowel sound.
Choose the alternative with the correct sequence:
Q1625011 Inglês
The English language is full of words whose written form can be deceptive. Different from Portuguese, in English we rarely sound out all the letters that we see. Due to the history of the language, there are a lot of silent letters in English. Analyze the following statements and identify the correct ones:
I- The b is silent in doubt, comb and bomb. In the word tomb, the b is pronounced.
II- The p is silent in the following words: psychology, raspberry, receipt, cupboard
III- The l is silent in talk, walk, chalk, would, half.
IV- The h is silent in heir, hour, honor, honest, helicopter.
V- The t is silent in listen, Christmas, castle, whistle.
Choose the alternative with the correct answer: 
Q1625029 Inglês
Read the following sentences and analyze them in terms of the use of prepositions of place:
I- My colleague is unfortunately still in the hospital. He has cancer.
II- Susan works in hospital as a nurse.
III- The beer is at the freezer. IV- My favorite singers were on stage. V- Her favorite restaurant in New York is at 945, Madison Ave.
Choose the alternative that presents only accurate sentences:
Q1625030 Inglês
In relation to text types and genres, classify the assertions below into true (T) or false (F):
( ) How is this word pronounced?
( ) My car is repairing at the moment.
( ) I haven’t been invited to the party.
( ) The letter might have been sent to the wrong address.
( ) My room has been cleaned yesterday morning.
Choose the alternative with the correct sequence:
1: C
2: A
3: C
4: E