Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Ibiaçá - RS 2019 para Professor - Inglês

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Q1246175 Inglês

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

New year, new you, you tell yourself. Again.

Source: adapted from

A collocation is made up of two or more words that are commonly used together in English. In this sense, mark the word that correctly fills in the dotted blank of line 23.
Q1246176 Inglês

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

New year, new you, you tell yourself. Again.

Source: adapted from

The comparative form of easy is easier. Mark the word that follow the same rule.
Q1246177 Inglês

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

New year, new you, you tell yourself. Again.

Source: adapted from

Consider the statements about the sentence below:
“the most beautifully organised drawers.” (l.17-18).
I. The noun is after the adjective. II. There are two adjectives incorrectly ordered. III. There are two adverbs.
Which ones are INCORRECT?
Q1246178 Inglês

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

New year, new you, you tell yourself. Again.

Source: adapted from

Mark the word that is a false cognate.
Q1246179 Inglês

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

New year, new you, you tell yourself. Again.

Source: adapted from

Consider the following statements:
I. The main objective of the text is to present the most important skills of the future that people should learn. II. The text refers to the habit of making New Year’s resolutions every January. III. It is a research-based fact that everyone can lean any language in one year time, despite how long they spend practicing the language.
Which ones are correct?
6: C
7: E
8: D
9: B
10: B