Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Guamaré - RN 2024 para Professor Ensino Fundamental - Inglês

Foram encontradas 50 questões

Q2392597 Inglês
In “As AI developers madly rush forward to develop and deploy AIs, we are reminded of the frenzied early days of the internet.”, we may find:
Q2392598 Inglês
“Sink in” in “Let this sink in for a moment: Human beings have created an intelligence that either rivals us or far surpasses us in many capacities already.” means, in Portuguese:
Q2392599 Inglês
In “Unlike such technologies, AIs can communicate with us directly on their own. With their large language learning algorithms and huge data sets, AIs such as ChatGPT can make it feel like we are interacting with another person.”, “unlike” could be properly replaced by: 
Q2392600 Inglês
Text 04 can best be summarized by:
Q2392601 Inglês
The question in the title of the article “Have we created Artificial Intelligence ou Artificial Life?” is in: 
36: C
37: B
38: C
39: D
40: C