Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2009 para Diplomata - 2ª Etapa - VERMELHO

Foram encontradas 24 questões

Q12307 Inglês
Based on the text, judge - right (C) or wrong (E) - the following items.

German manufactures are renowned for their quality and durability.
Q12308 Inglês
Based on the text, judge - right (C) or wrong (E) - the following items.

Fendt is being made redundant.
Q12309 Inglês
Based on the text, judge - right (C) or wrong (E) - the following items.

IG Metall is a subsidiary of BMW.
Q12310 Inglês
Judge - right (C) or wrong (E) - the following items with reference to the text.

In context, the phrase "household name" (R.7) could be appropriately replaced by synonym.
Q12311 Inglês
Judge - right (C) or wrong (E) - the following items with reference to the text.

"After all" (l.5) is equivalent to Eventually.
16: C
17: E
18: E
19: C
20: E