Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Princesa - SC 2018 para Professor de Inglês

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Q1750006 Conhecimentos Gerais
Foi um pintor e professor do Brasil Império, um dos mais importantes representantes da pintura histórica brasileira do século XIX. Nasceu na vila Nossa Senhora do Desterro, hoje Florianópolis, em Santa Catarina, no dia 18 de agosto de 1832. [...] A partir de 1885 passou a se dedicar à execução de “panoramas”, entre eles destacam-se: “Panorama Circular da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro” e “Entrada da Esquadra Legal no Porto do Rio de Janeiro em 1894”. O trecho acima faz referência a qual artista brasileiro?
Q1750007 Geografia
Em várias partes do mundo, países unem-se por meio de acordos intergovernamentais dando origem a blocos inter-regionais com objetivos políticos ou sociais. O Brasil participa de vários blocos, são eles, exceto:
Q1750008 Inglês
Read the following fragment from the PCNs: I - (…) the Foreign Languages teaching-learning process has taken on new contours: it does not need to require actual putting into practice of some fundamental principles that have long remained nothing but ink on paper because they were regarded either as utopian or hardly feasible; II - Although it is true that the practical objectives, namely, to understand, speak, read and write a foreign language - as referred to in the legislation and by experts -, are indeed important ones, it would seem that the development-oriented approach that is inherent to the learning of Foreign Languages cannot be neglected; III - It is therefore essential to approach the school-based teaching of Foreign Languages in such a way as to enable students to understand and produce correct sentences in a foreign language, and to allow learners to attain a level of linguistic competence that allows them to have access to several types of information while contributing to their overall development as citizens. Choose the best option according to the context.
Q1750009 Inglês
Read the fragment below: “The objective of the PNLD is to present public education institutions with the option of a series of textbook collections that have undergone a rigorous evaluation by selected specialists. Since its initial launch for foreign language textbooks, the PNLD presented in 2014 a new selection of textbooks based on nationwide feedback and updated research. Considering the importance of sociocultural and political factors in the public education guidelines, we can see how they are reflected in the criteria for evaluating foreign language textbooks, both at the primary and secondary levels of education.” (Perna, C. B. L., Molsing, K. V., & Ramos, Y. S.) According to the context, choose the wrong option about reading comprehension in secondary education:
Q1750010 Inglês
Read the paragraph below. “(…) points learners beyond form to real world contexts; ______________________________ contributes specifically to communicative goals; objectives organized carefully in succession; those engage learners; problem solving.” (Perna, C. B. L., Molsing, K. V., & Ramos, Y. S.) Analyze the context above and choose the correct teaching method that completes the paragraph.
11: D
12: B
13: B
14: A
15: D