Questões Militares Sobre comparativo e superlativo de adjetivos | comparative and superlative em inglês

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Q819807 Inglês

Complete the dialogue using the right form of the adjectives.

A: Would you like to go to the beach on Friday?

B: Actually, I think Saturday is ___________________ for

me. Friday is my___________________ day.

Choose the item that respectively completes the gaps.

Q816562 Inglês

Read the cartoon and answer question.


“I find the easiest way to expand my vocabulary is to make up words.”  

The underlined word in the cartoon implies an idea of:
Q773807 Inglês

Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.

_________________ place I’ve ever visited was the Netherlands.

Q754435 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto a seguir: 

Na frase "But now we can transcend it, with light beams, light sails, and the lightest spacecraft ever built." (linhas 10 e 11), é correto afirmar que
Q743605 Inglês

                               TEXTO I

      Ecology and History of the Amazon Rain Forest

Biodiversity and Symbiosis of South America's Vulnerable Habitat 

No place on Earth is as full of diverse life and landscape as the Amazon Rainforest. It spreads its tall trees and rich biodiversity over 40% of the South American continent. The Amazon River shares its name with its host, and is 11 times the volume of the Mississippi river. The massive water system begins in the Andes Mountains and winds its way 4,080 miles eastward to the Atlantic Ocean, rushing through the forests with tremendous force. The annual outflow of the river is responsible for 1/5 of the entire world’s freshwater flow. Everything about this habitat is super-sized.


Em “as full of diverse life and landscape as the Amazon Rainforest” há um
36: B
37: B
38: C
39: C
40: B