Questões Militares Sobre verbos modais | modal verbs em inglês

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Q655669 Inglês
In “…people should always carry a good book”, should is used to
Q652903 Inglês
In the sentence “We mustn’t enter the party. It’s private”, the modal verb in bold type expresses
Q652185 Inglês

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“Must” in bold type (lines 1 and 2) can be correctly replaced by:

Q652178 Inglês

Read the sentences and write T for the correct matching between the phrasal verb and the meaning or F for the incorrect matching:

( ) May I close the door? It is too cold. (ask for permission)

( ) Nobody answers the phone. They must be busy. (obligation)

( ) She should talk to him to apologize. (suggestion)

( ) They might not come for dinner. (prohibition)

Choose the correct alternative:

Q652174 Inglês
In the article, the word in bold type (line 7) expresses
56: D
57: C
58: D
59: A
60: B