Questões da Prova Marinha - 2019 - COLÉGIO NAVAL - Aluno - 1° Dia

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Q1023871 Inglês

Mark the right option to fill in the blanks in the cartoon, respectively. 

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Q1023869 Inglês

Complete the sentences using the correct verb tense for the verbs in brackets.

Hanna ______________ (drive) down the road when she ______________ (see)the perfect wedding dress on a shop window.

Mark usually ______________, (leave) for work early, but today he's a little late because he ______________ (have) problems with his car.

Jane ______________ (be)fifteen years old, so she _____________ (have) a driving license.

Mark the sentence that shows the correct use of verb tenses.

Q1023864 Inglês

Read the dialogue below.

A: Hi, Anna!

B: Good morning, Sue!

A: Tell me, dear,___________ you go to Theo's bday party last night?

B: oh, yes, I___________ . It was great! I ___________ so much fun! But I ___________ you there! ___________ you there, sweetie?

A: No, I ___________ . I ___________ at home. What time did you get home?

B: It___________ about 11 p.m. when I got there!

A: AII right then! See you around!

B See ya!

Mark the option that completes the dialogue correctly.

1: B
2: E
3: B