Questões de Concurso Militar COLÉGIO NAVAL 2019 para Aluno - 1° Dia

Foram encontradas 2 questões

Q1023864 Inglês

Read the dialogue below.

A: Hi, Anna!

B: Good morning, Sue!

A: Tell me, dear,___________ you go to Theo's bday party last night?

B: oh, yes, I___________ . It was great! I ___________ so much fun! But I ___________ you there! ___________ you there, sweetie?

A: No, I ___________ . I ___________ at home. What time did you get home?

B: It___________ about 11 p.m. when I got there!

A: AII right then! See you around!

B See ya!

Mark the option that completes the dialogue correctly.

Q1023871 Inglês

Mark the right option to fill in the blanks in the cartoon, respectively. 

Imagem associada para resolução da questão


1: B
2: B