Questões de Concurso Militar ESCOLA NAVAL 2017 para Aspirante - 2ª Dia

Foram encontradas 2 questões

Q839213 Inglês

Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

Abandoned dog now works at a petrol station

Buying petrol is generally a trivial activity. You fill______ your car, head into the shop, possibly pick______a KitKat or motoring atlas, pay the cashier then set______for your destination. Wouldn't the whole process be more enjoyable if there was a dog to brighten up your visit?

(Adapted from http ://www,telegraph,

Q839216 Inglês

Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

If Brazilian industry is successful ______ producing submarines and stealth corvettes, demand for Brazilian military hardware will only grow (...). Of concern, however, are Brazil's long-term intentions with regard______ the construction of BNS Alvaro Alberto. (...) It will be necessary to keep a very close e ye ______ the Brazilian shipbuilding and nuclear industries in the 2030s, especially as domestic demand for this class of vessel is satisfied,

(https ://

1: D
2: C