Questões de Concurso Militar EEAR 2020 para Sargento da Aeronáutica - Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (Turma 1)

Foram encontradas 81 questões

Q1659857 Português
Qual das alternativas abaixo não contém aposto?
Q1659858 Português
Assinale a alternativa cuja classificação do predicativo está incorreta.
Q1659859 Português


“Sentia-se cansada. A barriga, as pernas, a cabeça, o corpo todo era um enorme peso que lhe caía irremediavelmente em cima. Esperava que a qualquer momento o coração lhe perfurasse o peito, lhe rasgasse a blusa. Como seria o coração?” (Dina Salústio)

Os verbos destacados no texto acima estão conjugados, respectivamente, no

Q1659860 Inglês


    There are three main aspects to this profession: a diplomat has to keep his country informed about pertinent international events, promote a favorable image of his country and protect his country’s interests.

    Whoever is interested in a diplomatic career has to be extremely familiar with political, economical, scientific, cultural and administrative issues. To be a diplomat, it is essential to have a good knowledge of English, not only the conversational language, but also the technical terms in international law and diplomacy itself.

    To follow this career, besides being fluently bilingual, one needs a standard college education and has to take and do well in the Rio Branco Institute examination in Brasilia.

    English is so important in this career that in the first part of this selection exam, the applicant has to demonstrate his or her proficiency in the English language. Then, during the course, foreign language classes become a priority, giving future diplomats the necessary expertise to deal with the areas of official correspondences, diplomatic negotiation and international media.

Adapted from Inglês no mundo do trabalho.  

Change the following sentence to the passive voice:

“A diplomat must inform his country about international events.”

Q1659861 Inglês


    There are three main aspects to this profession: a diplomat has to keep his country informed about pertinent international events, promote a favorable image of his country and protect his country’s interests.

    Whoever is interested in a diplomatic career has to be extremely familiar with political, economical, scientific, cultural and administrative issues. To be a diplomat, it is essential to have a good knowledge of English, not only the conversational language, but also the technical terms in international law and diplomacy itself.

    To follow this career, besides being fluently bilingual, one needs a standard college education and has to take and do well in the Rio Branco Institute examination in Brasilia.

    English is so important in this career that in the first part of this selection exam, the applicant has to demonstrate his or her proficiency in the English language. Then, during the course, foreign language classes become a priority, giving future diplomats the necessary expertise to deal with the areas of official correspondences, diplomatic negotiation and international media.

Adapted from Inglês no mundo do trabalho.  

According to the text, we can infer that:

A diplomat _______________.

16: D
17: D
18: D
19: D
20: D