Questões Militares de Inglês - Tag questions

Foram encontradas 14 questões

Q2201205 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.

How sleep transformed professional football

       A few decades ago, professional footballers spent their nights partying. Now, they are much more aware of the benefits of a good night’s sleep.
     The change began in the mid-1990s, when mattress salesman Nick Littlehales contacted the manager of the Manchester United football team, Alex Ferguson, asking whether he had ever considered how sleep affected performance on the pitch. Interested, Ferguson arranged for Littlehales to give a presentation to his team.
        Gradually, club managers began to pay more attention to scientific sleep research, and for good reason. (...)
         Now, many teams and players are making an effort to improve their sleep patterns, using various means. James Milner from Manchester City found it hard to sleep after evening games, so would play computer games into the early hours. As a result, he was too tired to train the following morning. Since these interventions are cheap and effective, even the less well-known teams can benefit. (...)
          Whereas in the past, playing after a party and a few hours’ sleep was seen as a badge of honour, a good sleep is now considered an essential part of performance.
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Which tag question would be correct for the sentence underlined in the text? 
Q1987289 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Choose the correct alternative to complete the gap in the comic strip. 

Q1695783 Inglês
Which option completes the sentence below correctly?
Spinach is very thin, so there's more loss of moisture and exposure to heat and oxygen compared to a carrot,_______ ?
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Q1658528 Inglês

Read the text and answer question.

In the first scene, the sentence “It’s a beautiful little tree, isn’t it?” is an example of ____________.
Q1050873 Inglês
Which option completes the sentence below correctly?
Like any technology, artificial intelligence has both positive aspects and more worrying aspects, ________?
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1: A
2: B
3: C
4: B
5: C