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Ano: 2011 Banca: ULBRA Órgão: ULBRA Prova: ULBRA - 2011 - ULBRA - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1376779 Inglês
    As we all know, electricity is a fundamental need. On a daily basis, we consume electricity even without us knowing it. Just a simple task such as listening to your music player consumes electricity. Today, most of our electric generators and power plants are fed with fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal. However, due to the exponential increase of power demand, fossil fuel supplies are slowly being depleted. Not only that, but also burning fossil fuels has given off greenhouse gases and other unwanted byproducts. Because of this, the search for alternative energy sources is now a necessity. One of the most promising alternative energy sources today is Wind Powered Generators. So, what is a wind-powered generator? Basically it is the use of wind as a mechanical force needed to power an electric generator. Utilizing wind as an energy source is not exactly a new idea. The ancient Persians were the first to use wind to pump water, cut wood, and grind food and others by building windmills. Even today you can find windmills still being used on some farms. It was the use of wind as an electric source that came into existence much later. The first practical wind powered generators were built in 1970, but yet we rarely see them in widespread use today, why? Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of the wind powered generator.
    The main advantage of wind powered generators is that they have, ideally, zero gas emissions – unlike fossil-fueled power generators. Because of the alarming effects of greenhouse gases and global warming, we want our power generators to be as clean and as environmentally friendly as possible. Since there is no burning process in a wind powered generator that produces toxic gases, it is very safe to build one in residential areas. Also, with proper engineering and enough wind, these generators can provide a high rate of wattage that can go as high as the Megawatt range. Another advantage is that it can be implemented using several small turbines connected together. This is a good thing when there is not enough space for huge structures.
     The major disadvantage of wind powered generators is that wind power varies greatly from one place to another and from day to day and season to season. Sometimes wind may be strong enough to supply energy, but that strength cannot be maintained due to changes in weather patterns. Needing strong, constant wind to most effectively power wind generators is one reason they are often built in coastal areas. Another disadvantage is that the structure of most practical wind powered generators is huge and bulky. Commonly, its size is proportional to the wind power it can collect.
    Research in wind power has now intensified because of its innate advantages over other power generators. With this increase in interest in wind energy and alternative energy sources as a whole, our future will become brighter and more and more remote areas will eventually enjoy the benefits of clean electric energy. In an electricity-dependent world, power supplies must provide the required electricity for communities and businesses. Wind powered generators might just be the solution for power shortages.

Disponível em: 
All the statements below, with the exception of one, make use of "that" as a relative pronoun or a conjunction. Select THE EXCEPTION.
Q1370417 Inglês
Observe the excerpt from Text 01 that follows. Mark the correct alternative about the use of “where”.
Excerpt 02: “One death was reported in São Paulo state, where a young man was run over by a SUV at an intersection during a demonstration, state police said.”
Ano: 2012 Banca: IF-BA Órgão: IF-BA Prova: IF-BA - 2012 - IF-BA - Curso Técnico - MODALIDADE SUBSEQUENTE - INGLÊS |
Q1369472 Inglês
Sobre o uso da língua, no Texto I, é correto afirmar que

I. o termo “our” (l.2) é um pronome possessivo e refere-se aos leitores.
II. “which” (l.3) é um pronome relativo, na função de sujeito, e refere-se a “daily activities”.
III. os termos “useless” e “unwanted” (l.5) são formados por afixação.
IV. os modais “can” (l.5) e “may” (l.12) expressam a mesma ideia: possibilidade.
V. os marcadores discursivos “or” (l.3), “and” (l.5) e “but” (l.12) expressam, respectivamente, proporcionalidade, adição e condição.

A alternativa em que todas as afirmativas são verdadeiras é a:
Ano: 2017 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2017 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266170 Inglês
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Here’s how long you can work before your brain 1shuts down

    I’m having a hard time starting this article. According to research out of the University of Melbourne, that might be because I’m middle-aged and work too much. Economists determined that burning the midnight oil makes you, well, dumber.” Our study highlights that too much work can have adverse effects on cognitive functioning,” they conclude.
    Tell us something we didn’t know. Who hasn’t, at the end of a seemingly endless workweek, found themselves staring blankly at their computer screen or into space unable to remember what they had for lunch, let alone form a coherent thought about the task at hand?
      For some employees, of course – the average resident 2 physician or, these days, that “3 gig economy” worker who makes ends meet by banging away at multiple projects – long hours are a fact of modern working life. And there’s a cost. Medical researchers have shown that working too much can affect employees’ physical and mental health.
      So how much is too much? For people age 40 and older, working up to roughly 25 hours per week boosts memory, the ability to quickly process information and other aspects of cognitive function, according to the study, which drew on a longitudinal survey that tracks the well-being of 6,000 Australians. Beyond 25 hours a week, the middle-aged brain doesn’t work as well, the study indicates, noting that the findings apply to both men and women.
<> Acesso em: 24.08.2016. Adaptado.

1to shut down: parar de operar/funcionar.
2physician: médico.
3gig economy: ambiente de trabalho baseado em empregos temporários e contratos de curta duração.
O pronome relativo that, em “that tracks the well-being of 6,000 Australians”, pode ser corretamente substituído, sem alteração do sentido original, por
Ano: 2013 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2013 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1264746 Inglês
Considere o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Tooth fairy quantum mechanics

The reason I can’t show you a Higgs boson1 is also the solution to a parental dilemma.
Posted by Jon Butterworth
Sunday 23 December 2012 18.36 GMT,

   I do sometimes get asked “If you’ve found a Higgs boson, can you show me a picture of it?” Unfortunately, the answer is no. But the reason for this provides a resolution to a severe parental dilemma, and explains why I am in fact sometimes the tooth fairy. Bear with me.
  I can’t show you something which is definitely the new boson, but I can show evidence for it, for example in the picture below. It shows the distribution (black dots) of the mass you get when you combine the energy and momenta2 of pairs of photons (particles of light) in the ATLAS detector. The bump shows that there are more of these photon pairs at masses corresponding to around 125 GeV than would be expected from the trend. This excess implies the existence of a particle at about this mass which decays to pairs of photons.

   The bump3 in this plot would not be there unless there were a new boson (credit, ATLAS experiment and CERN). The key is that even if I show you a collision event with a pair of photons which exactly gives the “Higgs mass”, i.e. at the top of that peak, it is still not possible to be sure that this exact pair of photons came from a Higgs boson. There may be several possible ways of producing a set of new particles from the incoming ones; but if the resulting set is identical, it is not physically meaningful to say which way occurred.
     Now, to the parental dilemma. It is especially acute at this time of year, but if you have children who are losing their milk teeth, it is ever-present. Is the tooth fairy real? What about Father Christmas? Do you spoil the fun or do you lie? Something in me hates the idea of lying to my kids, and undermining4 trust. Here’s my way out. Anything which has the same initial state (tooth) and final state (money) might in fact be an event in which a tooth fairy was present. To put it another way, anything which removes the tooth and delivers money shares such an essential property with a tooth fairy that it can be said to be one (anything removing both teeth and money is probably a dentist. Or possibly a mugger5 ). 
      By now, my son doesn’t believe a word of it of course. But in the early days it was the truth. We managed this transition without lies, betrayal and tears because actually, when tiptoeing into the bedroom with a shiny pound coin, I really am the tooth fairy. I am of course also at the same time Dad. This seemed to work, and now he’s older, it’s still fun. It’s not much of stretch to extend this to Father Christmas, and it also explains why sometimes Father Christmas uses the same wrapping paper as your parents - he and they are, in a sense, indistinguishable quantum possibilities for the delivery process.

( Acesso em: 26.08.2013. Adaptado)

1Higgs boson: partícula subatômica teórica que ficou conhecida publicamente após ter sido divulgada como a “partícula de Deus”. Sua existência é associada a pesquisas acerca da origem do universo.
( Acesso em 02.10.2013. Adaptado)
2momenta: plural de momentum – conceito físico associado à quantidade de movimento de uma partícula.
3bump: choque ou elevação.
4undermine: tornar algo gradativamente mais fraco, especialmente a confiança ou autoridade de alguém.
5mugger: assaltante.
No segundo parágrafo do texto, o pronome relativo which em – I can’t show you something which is definitely the new boson – pode ser substituído, mantendo-se a sentença gramaticalmente correta, por
6: C
7: A
8: D
9: E
10: D