Questões de Vestibular

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Ano: 2022 Banca: UERJ Órgão: UERJ Prova: UERJ - 2022 - UERJ - Vestibular - Exame Único |
Q1994397 Inglês

Essential reading on, and beyond, Indigenous Peoples Day

In the text, the pronoun we is used to refer exclusively to the following group:
Ano: 2022 Banca: ECONRIO Órgão: USS Prova: ECONRIO - 2022 - USS - Vestibular Medicina - Inglês |
Q1862482 Inglês

Considering dental assessments, machine learning tools should:

Ano: 2022 Banca: ECONRIO Órgão: USS Prova: ECONRIO - 2022 - USS - Vestibular Medicina - Inglês |
Q1862481 Inglês
The central idea of the news article is the following:
Q1860177 Inglês 2021/sep/27/

In “The analysis found that only those aged under 40 years today will live to see the consequences of the choices made on emission cuts.” (lines 111-114), the underlined verbs are respectively
Q1860176 Inglês 2021/sep/27/

The underlined words in “extreme heatwaves” (line 13), “current pledges” (lines 14- 15), “polluting countries” (line 32) function respectively as
36: B
37: D
38: A
39: D
40: A