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Ano: 2009 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2009 - UFAC - Vestibular - Dia 1 - Língua Inglesa |
Q1352977 Inglês
The text is full of grammatical elements that compose its structure to offer a plain reading comprehension. Based on this idea and in the text I, judge the CORRECT following statements:
Ano: 2016 Banca: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Órgão: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Prova: IF Sul Rio-Grandense - 2016 - IF Sul Rio-Grandense - Vestibular Primeiro Semestre - Língua Inglesa |
Q1341486 Inglês
Considere as seguintes afirmativas sobre algumas palavras e expressões usadas no texto.

I - “However” (linha 09) poderia ser substituída, sem prejuízo de significado, por “Moreover”.
II - “Don’t take my word for it” (linha 12) equivale à “Não precisa acreditar em mim”.
III - “They” (linha 21) refere-se a “immigrants” (linha 21).
IV- A palavra “acknowledge“ pode ser usada como antônimo de “deny” (linha 23).

Estão corretas as afirmativas
Ano: 2014 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: FASM Prova: VUNESP - 2014 - FASM - Vestibular Medicina |
Q1340968 Inglês

Leia o infográfico para responder à questão.

( Adaptado.)

No primeiro quadro, Breads & Rolls, a expressão even though pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, por
Ano: 2015 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: FAMERP Prova: VUNESP - 2015 - FAMERP - Conhecimentos Gerais |
Q1339085 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Social life in youth may impact health decades later

Robert Preidt

August 6, 2015

    Having good social connections at age 20 can lead to improved well-being later in life, a new study suggests. Previous research has shown that people with poor social links are at increased risk for early death. “In fact, having few social connections is equivalent to tobacco use, and [the risk is] higher than for those who drink excessive amounts of alcohol, or who suffer from obesity,” study author Cheryl Carmichael, who conducted the study while a doctoral candidate at the University of Rochester in New York, said in a university news release.

    The study included 133 people who enrolled when they were 20-year-old college students in the 1970s. The participants kept track of their daily social interactions at ages 20 and 30. At age 50, they completed an online survey about the quality of their social lives and emotional well-being, including questions about loneliness and depression, and their relationships with close friends.

    The findings showed that frequent social interactions at age 20 and good-quality relationships – defined as intimate and satisfying – at age 30 were associated with higher levels of well-being at age 50. The study findings were published in a recent issue of the journal Psychology and Aging.

    A high number of social interactions at age 20 are beneficial later in life because they help young adults determine who they are, the researchers said. “It’s often around this age that we meet people from diverse backgrounds, with opinions and values that are different from our own, and we learn how to best manage those differences,” said Carmichael, now an assistant professor of psychology at Brooklyn College. “Considering everything else that goes on in life over those 30 years – marriage, raising a family and building a career – it is extraordinary that there appears to be a relationship between the kinds of interactions college students and young adults have and their emotional health later in life,” she concluded.


No trecho do quarto parágrafo “because they help young adults”, o termo em destaque pode ser corretamente substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por
Ano: 2015 Banca: Cepros Órgão: CESMAC Prova: Cepros - 2015 - CESMAC - Prova Medicina-2015.2- 1° DIA- PROVA TIPO-2 |
Q1333854 Inglês
Read the text/below/and answer following four questions according to it.

Viagra abuse in teens
There are several reasons why teenagers may experiment with erectile dysfunction medication. Of course, a common reason why teens may be tempted to take an erectile dysfunction (ED) medication is out of sexual curiosity. Teens may mistakenly think that these medications will increase sexual potency, make them somehow “better” sexually, or make them last longer. Premature ejaculation is common in this age group, and they may be hoping to find a pill to help. However, they do not realize that Viagra will not help them last longer.
Beyond sexual curiosity, another major reason why some teenagers may think they want Viagra or other erectile dysfunction drugs is that they may have heard a rumor that it can improve their athletic performance. Research has been discussed in The NY Times and NY Daily News about the use of Viagra to relieve constriction of blood vessels in the lungs, improving blood flow, breathing, and athletic endurance.
Another reason why teens may try Viagra or another erectile medication is to attempt to increase the effect of other drugs or alcohol; despite the fact that this is a very dangerous use of these medications. Sometimes this is also related to sports performance, as someone on steroids may think it will enhance the effect of the steroids, or resolve steroidrelated erectile dysfunction. There have also been reports of teenagers and twentysomethings taking Viagra with alcohol or with Ecstasy (the combination called “Sextasy”), since Ecstasy or alcohol may heighten desire while lessening erectile ability. This dangerous combination could be deadly, and at the very least contributes to a reduction of safer sex practices.
Teenagers, (or anyone of any age who does not have clinically diagnosed erectile dysfunction and a prescription from a doctor), must stay away from Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, or any other erectile dysfunction medication. They can certainly cause physical side effects like dizziness, headache, chest tightness, vision problems including loss of vision, irregular heartbeat, and more severe issues. Teachers and parents must teach teenagers about drugs — and sex.
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Acessado em 01 de maio de 2015.
In the sentence “…as someone on steroids may think it will enhance the effect of the steroids”, enhance is a synonym of
36: A
37: C
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40: D