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Ano: 2017 Banca: UFRGS Órgão: UFRGS Prova: UFRGS - 2017 - UFRGS - Vestibular 1º Dia |
Q1261520 Inglês


Adaptado de: HOGAN, Linda. Sightings:

The Gray Whales’ Mysterious Journey. Washington,

D.C.: National Geographic, 2002. p. 29-30.

Considere as afirmações sobre o significado da expressão shape-shifters (l. 16), no contexto em que se encontra.

I - A capacidade das baleias de serem animais que vivem no mar, mas que necessitam emergir para respirar.

II - A transformação das baleias ao longo do processo evolutivo.

III- O conhecimento do homem sobre a evolução das baleias cinzentas permite percebê-las sob nova perspectiva.

Quais estão corretas?

Ano: 2019 Banca: UFRGS Órgão: UFRGS Prova: UFRGS - 2019 - UFRGS - Vestibular 1º Dia |
Q1013795 Inglês

Consider the following sentence.

It is only when some irrelevant memory makes us prejudiced that we should search our mind for the reason for the aversion.

Select the alternative with the proposition that best rephrases it.

Ano: 2019 Banca: UFRGS Órgão: UFRGS Prova: UFRGS - 2019 - UFRGS - Vestibular 1º Dia |
Q1013771 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa que preenche adequadamente as lacunas das linhas 19, 25 e 34.
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: UNIFESP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - UNIFESP - Vestibular |
Q976406 Inglês

                                  Why so few nurses are men


      Ask health professionals in any country what the biggest problem in their health-care system is and one of the most common answers is the shortage of nurses. In ageing rich countries, demand for nursing care is becoming increasingly insatiable. Britain’s National Health Service, for example, has 40,000-odd nurse vacancies. Poor countries struggle with the emigration of nurses for greener pastures. One obvious solution seems neglected: recruit more men. Typically, just 5-10% of nurses registered in a given country are men. Why so few?

      Views of nursing as a “woman’s job” have deep roots. Florence Nightingale, who established the principles of modern nursing in the 1860s, insisted that men’s “hard and horny” hands were “not fitted to touch, bathe and dress wounded limbs”. In Britain the Royal College of Nursing, the profession’s union, did not even admit men as members until 1960. Some nursing schools in America started admitting men only in 1982, after a Supreme Court ruling forced them to. Senior nurse titles such as “sister” (a ward manager) and “matron” (which in some countries is used for men as well) do not help matters. Unsurprisingly, some older people do not even know that men can be nurses too. Male nurses often encounter patients who assume they are doctors.

      Another problem is that beliefs about what a nursing job entails are often outdated – in ways that may be particularly off-putting for men. In films, nurses are commonly portrayed as the helpers of heroic male doctors. In fact, nurses do most of their work independently and are the first responders to patients in crisis. To dispel myths, nurse-recruitment campaigns display nursing as a professional job with career progression, specialisms like anaesthetics, cardiology or emergency care, and use for skills related to technology, innovation and leadership. However, attracting men without playing to gender stereotypes can be tricky. “Are you man enough to be a nurse?”, the slogan of an American campaign, was involved in controversy.

      Nursing is not a career many boys aspire to, or are encouraged to consider. Only two-fifths of British parents say they would be proud if their son became a nurse. Because of all this, men who go into nursing are usually already closely familiar with the job. Some are following in the career footsteps of their mothers. Others decide that the job would suit them after they see a male nurse care for a relative or they themselves get care from a male nurse when hospitalised. Although many gender stereotypes about jobs and caring have crumbled, nursing has, so far, remained unaffected.

                                              (, 22.08.2018. Adaptado.)

No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “To dispel myths, nurse-recruitment campaigns”, o termo sublinhado indica
Ano: 2018 Banca: IFN-MG Órgão: IFN-MG Prova: IFN-MG - 2018 - IFN-MG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q939293 Inglês



Sustainability means many things to many people, but it boils down to this: saving Planet Earth.

      Mankind1 , as a species, has been too successful for its own good – the global population is estimate to top nine billion by 2050, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

      As a result, there is already a strain2 on the planet’s essential natural resources, particularly food and water, which population growth can only aggravate.

      Meanwhile, our demand for energy has directed to the plundering3 of the earth’s hydrocarbons oil, gas and coal, producing a catastrophic climate change. In a month-long series of features on the theme of sustainability, Technology of Business will be examining the main challenges facing businesses and asking whether technology – which got us into this mess in the first place – can help get us out.

      Global megatrends are affecting the business environment

      Most companies are already being affected by climate change today, directly or indirectly, says *CDP, a global not-for-profit organization specializing in measuring business environmental impact.

       Extreme weather, drought and flooding can disrupt production capacity and affect supply chains for a whole range of businesses. For example, in a CDP survey of 70 European companies, 83% said they had operations in “water-stressed” regions, while 73% said water shortages posed risks to their own operations or those of their suppliers.

      Considering an increasingly globalised economy, few businesses can isolate themselves from the impacts of climate change, population growth and resource reduction, says Emma Price-Thomas, head of sustainability strategy at charity Business in the Community.

      “The world is changing very fast. Global megatrends are markedly affecting the business environment. If companies don’t address these and think longer-term, they may end up putting themselves out of business,” she argues.

      A lot of technology and research is being directed towards reducing water usage an industrial processes and designing products that need less water to work, she says.

*CDP - Carbon Disclosure Project é uma organização que opera o sistema global de divulgação para que investidores, gerenciem seus impactos ambientais

Fonte: WALL, Matthew, BBC NEWS, 2 May 2014. Disponível em: Adaptado. Acesso em: 6 abr. 2018.

1 ManKind: Humanidade

2 Strain:Tensão

3 Plundering: Pilhagem

Todas as alternativas contêm, pelo menos, uma PREPOSIÇÃO, EXCETO:
31: B
32: E
33: E
34: E
35: C