Questões de Vestibular UFTM 2013 para Vestibular De Inverno

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Q382486 Inglês

Sebastião Salgado’s blue eyes have seen a bit of everything in this world - and this might not even be an exaggeration. For the past eight years in particular, the 69­year­old Brazilian photographer has travelled to more than 30 isolated regions of the world, collecting images of dozens of remote tribes, endangered animals and unusual landscapes.

The Genesis project is a singular photographic journey that began in 2004 and ended in 2012, at a cost of one million Euros a year. The result will be shown in magazines, books, a documentary by Wim Wenders and a series of exhibitions around the world, each displaying some 250 black­and­white photos.

The first exhibition will open in London on April 11, with former Brazilian President Lula - Salgado’s long­time friend - as special guest. “We want to create a little movement around these photos to provoke a debate on what we need to preserve,” he says. Salgado defends environmental causes through his organization, Instituto Terra. Even after travelling to so many exotic places, Salgado, now living in Paris, still takes vacations in Brazil. Here are excerpts from a conversation Salgado had with Folha, with new details about his travels, photographic techniques and new environmental projects.

• Coldest trip I visited the Nenets, in the Yamal peninsula, in northern Siberia, Russia. They are a nomadic tribe who raise reindeer in extreme Arctic conditions. When I went there it was spring and weather ranged between ­35ºC and ­45ºC. I didn’t wash myself for 45 days. They don’t take baths because there is no water. The only way to get water is to break off a piece of ice and warm it in a pot.

• Frozen equipment I used a Canon, an EOS1 Mark III, a very powerful machine. The problem was the batteries. In the Siberian temperatures, they quickly lost power. On average, I take 2,500 shots per battery, but this time I could only take 300­400 photos before the battery stopped working. I would put it inside my clothes, my assistant would give me another one, I would take 300 more pictures and, when that battery ran out energy, I would take out the other one and it would work again.

• Going digital for the first time I started Genesis with film and changed to digital. The airport X­Ray scanners degrade the quality of film, and so I decided to change to digital and was quite surprised. Quality was better than the one I had with negatives in medium format. I turned off the screen on the back of the camera, and used my camera as I have always done. When I came back to Paris, I printed contact sheets and edited the photos using a magnifying glass, because I don’t know how to do it in the computer.

• Stone Ages I met tribes that are still living in the Stone Ages, with working tools such as stone hammers. There were clans of about 10 people living in treetops. They had already seen white people before. They looked towards the direction I had come from and the chief asked me whether I was part of the white people clan that usually came from that direction. Because, for them, the world is all made of clans

• Brazilian arrows I met the Zo’e tribe, in Brazil, who were first discovered 15 years ago and live in a state of total purity. You see the guy working with an arrow. He warms it, put some weight on it, a straight feather if he wants a quicker arrow, a rounder one to have it slower. It is the same science as for rockets. And he’s got the same problem as in Cape Canaveral, to recover his rockets. If his ballistic calculations are wrong, he loses his arrow. He takes only 10 arrows with him when he goes hunting, no more than that

• Activist or photographer? Photography is my life. When I am taking photos, I am in a deep trance. When I have my camera and am travelling with the Nenets, it’s my life, morning to night. I have taken incredible photos, but my life is also the environment and Instituto Terra.

O projeto Genesis
Q382505 Português
_____pouco mais de uma década quase não ______genomas completos para serem analisados. Hoje ______programas e mão de obra ______para dar conta da quantidade de sequências de DNA já depositadas em bases públicas de dados e que saem diariamente de uma nova geração de sequenciadores. Extrema­ mente velozes, essas máquinas determinam os pares de bases do material genético, as chamadas letras químicas, a um preço milhares de vezes menor do que no início dos anos 2000, quando chegou ao fim a epopeia de sequenciar o primeiro genoma humano.

Em conformidade com a norma-padrão da língua portuguesa, as lacunas do texto devem ser preenchidas, respectivamente, com:
Q382506 Matemática
Em uma loja de ferragens, o valor, em reais, de um quilograma de parafusos do tipo I, cujo preço unitário é 50 centavos, equivale ao valor de dois quilogramas de parafusos do tipo II, cujo preço unitário é 20 centavos. Sabendo que a massa de um parafuso do tipo II é igual a 10 gramas, pode-se concluir que a massa de um parafuso do tipo I, em gramas, é igual a:
Q382508 Matemática
Em uma loja de eletrônicos, os preços de venda das TVs LED de uma determinada marca e modelo são diretamente proporcionais à medida da diagonal da tela, em polegadas. Sabe-se que a mar- gem de contribuição unitária (diferença entre o preço unitário de venda e o preço unitário de custo) dessas TVs é igual a 40% do preço de venda. Nessas condições, se a margem de contribuição unitária da TV de 32” é igual a R$ 800,00, o preço de custo da TV de 42” é:
Q382514 Matemática
Em uma urna foram colocadas 10 chaves, das quais apenas 4 acionam o motor de um carro. Os três primeiros colocados em uma prova de um reality show vão retirar, ao acaso, uma chave cada um, sem reposição. A probabilidade de que nenhuma das três chaves retiradas acione o motor do carro é
6: D
7: A
8: C
9: E
10: B