Questões de Vestibular UPE 2021 para Vestibular - 2º Fase - 1º Dia

Foram encontradas 44 questões

Ano: 2021 Banca: UPENET/IAUPE Órgão: UPE Prova: UPENET/IAUPE - 2021 - UPE - Vestibular - 2º Fase - 1º Dia |
Q1675847 Inglês

Text 2


No one leaves

home unless home is the mouth of a shark

you only run for the border

when you see the whole city running as well

Your neighbors running faster than you

breath bloody in their throats

the boy you went to school with

who kissed you dizzy behind the old tin factory

is holding a gun bigger than his body

you only leave homewhen

home won‘t let you stay.

No one leaves home unless home chases you

fire under feet

hot blood in your belly

it‘s not something you ever thought of doing

until the blade burnt threats into

your neck

and even then you carried the anthem under

your breath

only tearing up your passport in an airport toilet

sobbing as each mouthful of paper

made it clear that you wouldn‘t be going back.

You have to understand,

that no one puts their children in a boat

unless the water is safer than the land

no one burns their palms

under trains

beneath carriages (…)

I want to go home,

but home is the mouth of a shark

home is the barrel of the gun

and no one would leave home

unless home chased you to the shore

unless home told you to quicken your legs

leave your clothes behind

crawl through the desert

wade through the oceans (…)

No one leaves home until home is a sweaty voice in your ear

saying –


run away from me now

I dont know what I‘ve become

but I know that anywhere

is safer than here.

By Warsan Shire. Disponível em: Excertos. Acesso em: set. 2020.

O poema Home, da escritora e poeta somali Warsan Shire, traz em seu cerne uma questão relevante nas pautas e discussões mundiais da atualidade. Nele, percebe-se, principalmente, que a autora
Ano: 2021 Banca: UPENET/IAUPE Órgão: UPE Prova: UPENET/IAUPE - 2021 - UPE - Vestibular - 2º Fase - 1º Dia |
Q1675848 Inglês

Text 2


No one leaves

home unless home is the mouth of a shark

you only run for the border

when you see the whole city running as well

Your neighbors running faster than you

breath bloody in their throats

the boy you went to school with

who kissed you dizzy behind the old tin factory

is holding a gun bigger than his body

you only leave homewhen

home won‘t let you stay.

No one leaves home unless home chases you

fire under feet

hot blood in your belly

it‘s not something you ever thought of doing

until the blade burnt threats into

your neck

and even then you carried the anthem under

your breath

only tearing up your passport in an airport toilet

sobbing as each mouthful of paper

made it clear that you wouldn‘t be going back.

You have to understand,

that no one puts their children in a boat

unless the water is safer than the land

no one burns their palms

under trains

beneath carriages (…)

I want to go home,

but home is the mouth of a shark

home is the barrel of the gun

and no one would leave home

unless home chased you to the shore

unless home told you to quicken your legs

leave your clothes behind

crawl through the desert

wade through the oceans (…)

No one leaves home until home is a sweaty voice in your ear

saying –


run away from me now

I dont know what I‘ve become

but I know that anywhere

is safer than here.

By Warsan Shire. Disponível em: Excertos. Acesso em: set. 2020.

Em determinado momento, a autora revela uma lembrança terna que se mistura aos outros sentimentos evocados no poema. Assinale-a.
Ano: 2021 Banca: UPENET/IAUPE Órgão: UPE Prova: UPENET/IAUPE - 2021 - UPE - Vestibular - 2º Fase - 1º Dia |
Q1675849 Inglês

Text 2


No one leaves

home unless home is the mouth of a shark

you only run for the border

when you see the whole city running as well

Your neighbors running faster than you

breath bloody in their throats

the boy you went to school with

who kissed you dizzy behind the old tin factory

is holding a gun bigger than his body

you only leave homewhen

home won‘t let you stay.

No one leaves home unless home chases you

fire under feet

hot blood in your belly

it‘s not something you ever thought of doing

until the blade burnt threats into

your neck

and even then you carried the anthem under

your breath

only tearing up your passport in an airport toilet

sobbing as each mouthful of paper

made it clear that you wouldn‘t be going back.

You have to understand,

that no one puts their children in a boat

unless the water is safer than the land

no one burns their palms

under trains

beneath carriages (…)

I want to go home,

but home is the mouth of a shark

home is the barrel of the gun

and no one would leave home

unless home chased you to the shore

unless home told you to quicken your legs

leave your clothes behind

crawl through the desert

wade through the oceans (…)

No one leaves home until home is a sweaty voice in your ear

saying –


run away from me now

I dont know what I‘ve become

but I know that anywhere

is safer than here.

By Warsan Shire. Disponível em: Excertos. Acesso em: set. 2020.

Considere o gênero textual, o contexto e a gramática da língua inglesa, e assinale a afirmativa INCORRETA para a análise linguística apresentada.
Ano: 2021 Banca: UPENET/IAUPE Órgão: UPE Prova: UPENET/IAUPE - 2021 - UPE - Vestibular - 2º Fase - 1º Dia |
Q1675850 Filosofia
Na modernidade, a principal preocupação dos filósofos que pensavam o problema da política era a de descobrir a origem do Estado. Para chegar até essa origem, tiveram que imaginar um estado pré-político da humanidade, assim como as razões pelas quais os homens saíram desse estado e se organizaram em sociedade. Surge assim a famosa hipótese do Estado de Natureza x Estado Civil ou Estado Político. De maneira geral, o argumento consistia na ideia de que, a partir de um pacto primitivo, a humanidade decide, em consenso, delegar certo poderes a uma instituição que estivesse acima de todos: o Estado. Encontramos esses argumentos principalmente nas obras de Hobbes, Locke e Rousseau.
Esses pensadores, mais tarde, acabaram ficando conhecidos como
Ano: 2021 Banca: UPENET/IAUPE Órgão: UPE Prova: UPENET/IAUPE - 2021 - UPE - Vestibular - 2º Fase - 1º Dia |
Q1675851 Filosofia
Dentre algumas das características da filosofia, a partir da modernidade, encontramos a necessidade da crítica. O pensamento e a obra de Kant são um marco nos procedimentos críticos da filosofia.
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à função da crítica na filosofia.
36: B
37: C
38: D
39: C
40: C