Questões de Vestibular UFVJM-MG 2018 para Vestibular - 1º Etapa

Foram encontradas 45 questões

Ano: 2018 Banca: UFVJM-MG Órgão: UFVJM-MG Prova: UFVJM-MG - 2018 - UFVJM-MG - Vestibular - 1º Etapa |
Q1274954 Inglês

Texto I

What brain foods are good for remembering what you studied?

     Need help remembering what you've just studied? Head to your kitchen. Research suggests certain foods are good for the brain and may boost your memory. Along with getting enough sleep and developing other healthy habits, eating brain foods can be an effective study aid.

      Eggs: Eggs are good for your memory because they are a good source of protein, a nutrient that helps you concentrate, according to registered dietitian Elisa Zied, author of “Nutrition at Your Fingertips.” Eggs also contain choline, a precursor to a neurotransmitter needed for good memory. 

     Cereal: Cereal provides carbohydrates, which help you remember what you studied by boosting your mental energy. Carbs turn into glucose, a sugar your brain needs to think clearly. Cereals with whole grains also provide B vitamins, nutrients the nerves in your brain need to communicate, Zied says.

     Fish: Salmon, tuna and other varieties of oily fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids. A symptom for someone low in omega-3s is poor memory. In addition to omega3 fatty acids, fish contains vitamin B-12, which is important for good memory, according to the NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements. 

     Getting a good night’s sleep and eating a healthy breakfast will also help you remember what you studied. Research shows eating breakfast improves attention and boosts academic achievement. Additionally, keeping your cholesterol and blood pressure in check and avoiding smoking will help your brain health and may sharpen your memory, according to an article by nutritionist Joy Bauer on

Fonte: Disponível em:<>.

Acesso em: 28 set. de 2018. (Adaptado)

Segundo o texto I, a ingestão dos alimentos apresentados e destacados auxilia nos estudos, pois esses alimentos:
Ano: 2018 Banca: UFVJM-MG Órgão: UFVJM-MG Prova: UFVJM-MG - 2018 - UFVJM-MG - Vestibular - 1º Etapa |
Q1274955 Inglês

Texto I

What brain foods are good for remembering what you studied?

     Need help remembering what you've just studied? Head to your kitchen. Research suggests certain foods are good for the brain and may boost your memory. Along with getting enough sleep and developing other healthy habits, eating brain foods can be an effective study aid.

      Eggs: Eggs are good for your memory because they are a good source of protein, a nutrient that helps you concentrate, according to registered dietitian Elisa Zied, author of “Nutrition at Your Fingertips.” Eggs also contain choline, a precursor to a neurotransmitter needed for good memory. 

     Cereal: Cereal provides carbohydrates, which help you remember what you studied by boosting your mental energy. Carbs turn into glucose, a sugar your brain needs to think clearly. Cereals with whole grains also provide B vitamins, nutrients the nerves in your brain need to communicate, Zied says.

     Fish: Salmon, tuna and other varieties of oily fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids. A symptom for someone low in omega-3s is poor memory. In addition to omega3 fatty acids, fish contains vitamin B-12, which is important for good memory, according to the NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements. 

     Getting a good night’s sleep and eating a healthy breakfast will also help you remember what you studied. Research shows eating breakfast improves attention and boosts academic achievement. Additionally, keeping your cholesterol and blood pressure in check and avoiding smoking will help your brain health and may sharpen your memory, according to an article by nutritionist Joy Bauer on

Fonte: Disponível em:<>.

Acesso em: 28 set. de 2018. (Adaptado)

A recomendação que NÃO está presente no texto I é:
Ano: 2018 Banca: UFVJM-MG Órgão: UFVJM-MG Prova: UFVJM-MG - 2018 - UFVJM-MG - Vestibular - 1º Etapa |
Q1274956 Inglês
Texto II

How to make chocolate cookies

1.      Melt chocolate in the microwave, stir until smooth.
2.      Sift together baking powder, flour, cocoa and salt; set aside.
3.      In a bowl, cream butter with brown sugar and white sugar until smooth.
4.     Beat in eggs taking one at a time, then stir in vanilla and coffee granules until well blended.
5.      Using a wooden spoon, stir in melted chocolate.
6.      Then stir in the dry ingredients until it blends well.
7.      Cover, and allow it to stand for half an hour.
8.      Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
9.      Place two cookie sheets with parchment paper.
10.    Roll dough into walnut sized balls onto the prepared cookie sheets.
11.   Then, bake it for ten minutes in the preheated oven. Cookies will still be very soft because of the chocolate.
12.  Let the cookies cool for ten minutes before transferring to wire racks to cool completely.

Fonte: Disponível em:<>. Acesso em: 28 set. de 2018. (Adaptado)

De acordo com a receita apresentada no texto II,
Ano: 2018 Banca: UFVJM-MG Órgão: UFVJM-MG Prova: UFVJM-MG - 2018 - UFVJM-MG - Vestibular - 1º Etapa |
Q1274957 Inglês
Texto II

How to make chocolate cookies

1.      Melt chocolate in the microwave, stir until smooth.
2.      Sift together baking powder, flour, cocoa and salt; set aside.
3.      In a bowl, cream butter with brown sugar and white sugar until smooth.
4.     Beat in eggs taking one at a time, then stir in vanilla and coffee granules until well blended.
5.      Using a wooden spoon, stir in melted chocolate.
6.      Then stir in the dry ingredients until it blends well.
7.      Cover, and allow it to stand for half an hour.
8.      Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
9.      Place two cookie sheets with parchment paper.
10.    Roll dough into walnut sized balls onto the prepared cookie sheets.
11.   Then, bake it for ten minutes in the preheated oven. Cookies will still be very soft because of the chocolate.
12.  Let the cookies cool for ten minutes before transferring to wire racks to cool completely.

Fonte: Disponível em:<>. Acesso em: 28 set. de 2018. (Adaptado)

Entre os ingredientes usados nessa receita, estão:
Ano: 2018 Banca: UFVJM-MG Órgão: UFVJM-MG Prova: UFVJM-MG - 2018 - UFVJM-MG - Vestibular - 1º Etapa |
Q1274958 Inglês
Texto II

How to make chocolate cookies

1.      Melt chocolate in the microwave, stir until smooth.
2.      Sift together baking powder, flour, cocoa and salt; set aside.
3.      In a bowl, cream butter with brown sugar and white sugar until smooth.
4.     Beat in eggs taking one at a time, then stir in vanilla and coffee granules until well blended.
5.      Using a wooden spoon, stir in melted chocolate.
6.      Then stir in the dry ingredients until it blends well.
7.      Cover, and allow it to stand for half an hour.
8.      Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
9.      Place two cookie sheets with parchment paper.
10.    Roll dough into walnut sized balls onto the prepared cookie sheets.
11.   Then, bake it for ten minutes in the preheated oven. Cookies will still be very soft because of the chocolate.
12.  Let the cookies cool for ten minutes before transferring to wire racks to cool completely.

Fonte: Disponível em:<>. Acesso em: 28 set. de 2018. (Adaptado)

A receita apresentada no texto II refere-se a um tipo de:
11: A
12: B
13: A
14: A
15: D