Questões de Vestibular UFRR 2016 para Vestibular

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Ano: 2016 Banca: UFRR Órgão: UFRR Prova: UFRR - 2016 - UFRR - Vestibular |
Q1266022 Química
Analisando cada alternativa abaixo, a única que contém compostos orgânicos oxigenados de fórmulas moleculares de C3 H6 O é:
Ano: 2016 Banca: UFRR Órgão: UFRR Prova: UFRR - 2016 - UFRR - Vestibular |
Q1266023 Química

Observe a seguinte reação de polimerização entre o etilenoglicol e o ácido tereftálico:

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O nome da reação de polimerização acima, o nome do polímero obtido e a função orgânica presente nele são respectivamente:

Ano: 2016 Banca: UFRR Órgão: UFRR Prova: UFRR - 2016 - UFRR - Vestibular |
Q1266024 Química

Leia as informações sobre os pares de compostos:

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O timol é encontrado abundantemente no óleo essencial do “alecrim-pimenta”, um exemplar típico do Nordeste brasileiro. O carvacrol possui característica pungente e odor aromático, semelhante ao orégano.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão e Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Neral Geranial

O Lemonal (Citral), um aldeído com forte cheiro de limão, encontrado em óleos essenciais de capim-limão, erva cidereira, citronela, etc. é formado por uma mistura de aldeídos como o Neral e o Geranial.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão e Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Pseudoefedrina Efedrina

A Pseudoefedrina é um antialérgico de uso oral muito utilizado no tratamento de sintomas associados à rinite alérgica, gripes e resfriados, como coriza, coceira, entupimento do nariz ou lacrimejamento excessivo. Igualmente como a Efedrina pode ser encontrado na composição de certos vegetais como a Ephedra vulgaris (nome científico) e Cipó-de-areia (nome popular).

Com relação a todas as estruturas mostradas acima, são feitas as seguintes afirmações:

I - O Neral e o Geranial são isômeros geométricos. O Geranial é o isômero trans ou E (entegen) e Neral é o isômero cis ou Z (zusammen).

II - O Timol e o Carvacrol são isômeros de cadeia.

III - Tanto o Neral como o Geranial podem ser obtidos por oxidação branda do Nerol e Geraniol.

IV - A Pseudoefedrina e Efedrina são isômeros ópticos e possuem fórmula molecular C10H15NO.

V - Tanto o Neral quanto o Geranial, cujas estruturas foram aqui apresentadas possuem fórmula molecular C9 H15O.

VI - Tanto o Timol quanto o Carvacrol podem sofrer reações de substituição eletrofílica.

Sobre as afirmativas acima podemos dizer que:

Ano: 2016 Banca: UFRR Órgão: UFRR Prova: UFRR - 2016 - UFRR - Vestibular |
Q1266025 Inglês
‘500 Years of Brazil’s Discovery’ 

   Our territory was already inhabited before 1500 A.D., by a large population, estimated in the 1500s at 3 million Indians, with their own communal organization and traditions.
   The encounter occurred on April 22, 1500, when Pedro Álvares Cabral, commander of a Portuguese armada, sighted the South American mainland and staked a claim for Portugal.
   The encounter occurred on April 22, 1500, when Pedro Álvares Cabral, commander of a Portuguese armada, sighted the South American mainland and staked a claim for Portugal.
   The Portuguese found Brazil attractive, as did the French, Dutch and Spanish. The first agreement between Spain and Portugal on frontiers was not reached until 1750.
   The Jesuits were enterprising, and their missionary efforts spread throughout the country between 1625 and 1759.
   The religious influence was responsible for an extraordinarily beautiful Brazilian baroque architecture.
   Thoughts of independence began to take root in the late 18th century. Revolutionary events in Europe had a profound effect on Brazil. Napoleon’s invasion of Portugal prompted the Portuguese prince regent, Dom João, to move the Portuguese court to Brazil in 1808.
   Brazil matured quickly as the seat of the Portuguese empire. The prince opened Brazilian ports to trade with friendly nations, including Great Britain, and also government offices in Rio de Janeiro, a supreme court, a bank, the royal treasury, mint, printing office, a national library with holdings from the Portuguese National Library and other academic institutions.
   With the death of Portugal’s queen, Maria I, in 1816, the regent became King João VI. He returned to Portugal in 1821 to contain a revolution there and appointed his son, Dom Pedro, as regent in Brazil. Dom Pedro refused orders a few months later to return to Lisbon, established a legislative assembly in São Paulo and proclaimed Brazil’s independence from Portugal on Sept. 7, 1822.
   Dom Pedro I was crowned emperor in 1822, but after a troubled reign marked by conflict with the assembly, he abdicated in favor of 5-year- old Dom Pedro de Alcântara in 1831. For the next nine years, Brazil seethed with civil unrest until both houses of parliament declared the young regent had reached majority in 1840. The Brazilian Empire lasted to 1889.
   Dom Pedro II proved to be an enlightened leader. Brazil grew and prospered under his reign, and the country enjoyed a great deal of stability. (The country’s population grew from 4 million to 14 million; railroads built 5,000 miles of track; and public revenues and products multiplied.) However, support for a republic grew, and the empire finally collapsed in 1889, when the royal family went to exile in Europe.
   The country’s 19th century economy relied on slave-based agriculture. Slave trade with Africa did not cease until 1853. At the dawn of the 21st century, Brazil, with an economy that is the eighth largest in the world, is a contributor of music, painting, literature and other arts to the world’s culture.

According to Brazil’s History, Cabral reached the Brazilian coast in the:
Ano: 2016 Banca: UFRR Órgão: UFRR Prova: UFRR - 2016 - UFRR - Vestibular |
Q1266026 Inglês
‘500 Years of Brazil’s Discovery’ 

   Our territory was already inhabited before 1500 A.D., by a large population, estimated in the 1500s at 3 million Indians, with their own communal organization and traditions.
   The encounter occurred on April 22, 1500, when Pedro Álvares Cabral, commander of a Portuguese armada, sighted the South American mainland and staked a claim for Portugal.
   The encounter occurred on April 22, 1500, when Pedro Álvares Cabral, commander of a Portuguese armada, sighted the South American mainland and staked a claim for Portugal.
   The Portuguese found Brazil attractive, as did the French, Dutch and Spanish. The first agreement between Spain and Portugal on frontiers was not reached until 1750.
   The Jesuits were enterprising, and their missionary efforts spread throughout the country between 1625 and 1759.
   The religious influence was responsible for an extraordinarily beautiful Brazilian baroque architecture.
   Thoughts of independence began to take root in the late 18th century. Revolutionary events in Europe had a profound effect on Brazil. Napoleon’s invasion of Portugal prompted the Portuguese prince regent, Dom João, to move the Portuguese court to Brazil in 1808.
   Brazil matured quickly as the seat of the Portuguese empire. The prince opened Brazilian ports to trade with friendly nations, including Great Britain, and also government offices in Rio de Janeiro, a supreme court, a bank, the royal treasury, mint, printing office, a national library with holdings from the Portuguese National Library and other academic institutions.
   With the death of Portugal’s queen, Maria I, in 1816, the regent became King João VI. He returned to Portugal in 1821 to contain a revolution there and appointed his son, Dom Pedro, as regent in Brazil. Dom Pedro refused orders a few months later to return to Lisbon, established a legislative assembly in São Paulo and proclaimed Brazil’s independence from Portugal on Sept. 7, 1822.
   Dom Pedro I was crowned emperor in 1822, but after a troubled reign marked by conflict with the assembly, he abdicated in favor of 5-year- old Dom Pedro de Alcântara in 1831. For the next nine years, Brazil seethed with civil unrest until both houses of parliament declared the young regent had reached majority in 1840. The Brazilian Empire lasted to 1889.
   Dom Pedro II proved to be an enlightened leader. Brazil grew and prospered under his reign, and the country enjoyed a great deal of stability. (The country’s population grew from 4 million to 14 million; railroads built 5,000 miles of track; and public revenues and products multiplied.) However, support for a republic grew, and the empire finally collapsed in 1889, when the royal family went to exile in Europe.
   The country’s 19th century economy relied on slave-based agriculture. Slave trade with Africa did not cease until 1853. At the dawn of the 21st century, Brazil, with an economy that is the eighth largest in the world, is a contributor of music, painting, literature and other arts to the world’s culture.

In the last paragraph of the text above, the expression “At the dawn” means:
61: A
62: D
63: A
64: C
65: A