Questões de Vestibular UFRGS 2018 para Vestibular 1º Dia

Foram encontradas 11 questões

Ano: 2018 Banca: UFRGS Órgão: UFRGS Prova: UFRGS - 2018 - UFRGS - Vestibular 1º Dia |
Q938999 Inglês

Considere as possibilidades de reescrita do segmento methodically learning it is key to her rise (l. 44).

I - it is key to her rise methodically learning

II - to learn methodically is key to her rise

III- learning it methodically is key to her rise

Quais poderiam substituir o segmento destacado, sem prejuízo do sentido original e da correção gramatical?

Ano: 2018 Banca: UFRGS Órgão: UFRGS Prova: UFRGS - 2018 - UFRGS - Vestibular 1º Dia |
Q939000 Inglês
A palavra foibles (l. 60) pode ser substituída, sem prejuízo do sentido empregado no texto, por
Ano: 2018 Banca: UFRGS Órgão: UFRGS Prova: UFRGS - 2018 - UFRGS - Vestibular 1º Dia |
Q939005 Inglês

Consider the following propositions for rephrasing the fragment of sentence the south tower after burning for an hour and two minutes (l. 06-07).

I - the south tower after having been burning for an hour and two minutes

II - the south tower after it was burning for an hour and two minutes

III- the south tower after it had been burning for an hour and two minutes

If applied to the text, which ones would be correct and keep the literal meaning?

Ano: 2018 Banca: UFRGS Órgão: UFRGS Prova: UFRGS - 2018 - UFRGS - Vestibular 1º Dia |
Q939006 Inglês

Consider the following propositions for rephrasing the sentence The attacks were masterminded by Osama bin Laden in an attempt to intimidate the United States and unite Muslims for a restoration of the caliphate (l. 09-12).

I - Attempting to intimidate the United States and unite Muslims for a restoration of the caliphate, Osama bin Laden has masterminded the attacks.

II - Osama bin Laden masterminded the attacks in an attempt to intimidate the United States and unite Muslims for a restoration of the caliphate.

III- In an attempt to intimidate the United States and unite Muslims for a restoration of the caliphate, the attacks have been masterminded by Osama bin Laden.

If applied to the text, which ones would be correct and keep the literal meaning?

Ano: 2018 Banca: UFRGS Órgão: UFRGS Prova: UFRGS - 2018 - UFRGS - Vestibular 1º Dia |
Q939008 Inglês
Which of the alternatives below could replace the phrase closing in on (l. 34) as used in the text?
6: C
7: A
8: C
9: B
10: A