Questões de Vestibular UERR 2015 para Vestibular

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Ano: 2015 Banca: UERR Órgão: UERR Prova: UERR - 2015 - UERR - Vestibular |
Q1340100 Inglês

Text 3

Al Capone

    Born in 1899 in Brooklyn, New York, to poor immigrant parents, Al Capone went on to become the most infamous gangster in American history. In 1920 during the height of Prohibition, Capone’s multi-million dollar Chicago operation in bootlegging, prostitution and gambling dominated the organized crime scene. Capone was responsible for many brutal acts of violence, mainly against other gangsters. The most famous of these was the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in 1929, in which he ordered the assassination of seven rivals. Capone was never indicted for his racketeering but was finally brought to justice for income-tax evasion in 1931. After serving six-and-a-half years, Capone was released. He died in 1947 in Miami. Capone’s life captured the public imagination, and his gangster persona has been immortalized in the many movies and books inspired by his exploits.

(Excerpt from the site: Researched on: October 2015)

In the sentence “Capone was responsible for many brutal acts of violence, mainly against other gangsters”. The verb “was” is the Simple Past of:
Ano: 2015 Banca: UERR Órgão: UERR Prova: UERR - 2015 - UERR - Vestibular |
Q1340101 Inglês

Text 3

Al Capone

    Born in 1899 in Brooklyn, New York, to poor immigrant parents, Al Capone went on to become the most infamous gangster in American history. In 1920 during the height of Prohibition, Capone’s multi-million dollar Chicago operation in bootlegging, prostitution and gambling dominated the organized crime scene. Capone was responsible for many brutal acts of violence, mainly against other gangsters. The most famous of these was the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in 1929, in which he ordered the assassination of seven rivals. Capone was never indicted for his racketeering but was finally brought to justice for income-tax evasion in 1931. After serving six-and-a-half years, Capone was released. He died in 1947 in Miami. Capone’s life captured the public imagination, and his gangster persona has been immortalized in the many movies and books inspired by his exploits.

(Excerpt from the site: Researched on: October 2015)

Mark the option that correctly completes the meaning of the sentence: Sharks don't __________ their food; they rip off __________of meat and swallow ________whole.
Ano: 2015 Banca: UERR Órgão: UERR Prova: UERR - 2015 - UERR - Vestibular |
Q1340102 História
O sistema colonial implantado pela Espanha em seus domínios coloniais na América utilizou diversos instrumentos administrativos. Qual alternativa refere-se à política administrativa da Coroa Espanhola em suas colônias?
Ano: 2015 Banca: UERR Órgão: UERR Prova: UERR - 2015 - UERR - Vestibular |
Q1340103 História
O Estado Moderno surgiu com a crise das estruturas feudais e a consolidação do absolutismo. Assinale a alternativa que caracteriza esse Estado:
Ano: 2015 Banca: UERR Órgão: UERR Prova: UERR - 2015 - UERR - Vestibular |
Q1340104 História
Com a Revolução Francesa foi instituído o Tribunal Revolucionário que tinha competência para julgar e punir, até a morte os suspeitos de oposição ao regime. Assim, o Governo revolucionário adotou diversas medidas para punir os opositores ao regime. Assinale a fase dessa Revolução que se identifica com esse fato:
21: D
22: A
23: B
24: A
25: B