Questões de Vestibular UERJ 2011 para Vestibular - Segundo Exame

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Ano: 2011 Banca: UERJ Órgão: UERJ Prova: UERJ - 2011 - UERJ - Vestibular - Segundo Exame |
Q675391 Inglês

The logical relationship between clauses establishes different notions.

An example which expresses the notion of concession is indicated in:

Ano: 2011 Banca: UERJ Órgão: UERJ Prova: UERJ - 2011 - UERJ - Vestibular - Segundo Exame |
Q675392 Inglês

A euphemism is a mild, indirect or vague expression used instead of one considered offensive, harsh or blunt. It may be used to hide unpleasant or disturbing ideas.

According to the definition above, the expression “genetic engineering” can be considered a euphemism because:

Ano: 2011 Banca: UERJ Órgão: UERJ Prova: UERJ - 2011 - UERJ - Vestibular - Segundo Exame |
Q675394 Inglês

According to the text, the use of the expression “clean coal” might infuriate ecologists.

This idea is explicit in:

1: D
2: C
3: C