Questões de Vestibular UEM 2010 para Vestibular - PAS - Etapa 2 - Inglês
Foram encontradas 25 questões

Observing the text, mark the correct alternative.
Mandela was in jail for eighteen years.

Observing the text, mark the correct alternative.
South Africa had its first democratic election in
the same year Mandela left prison.

Observing the text, mark the correct alternative.
Mandela was the president of South Africa for
five years.

Observing the text, mark the correct alternative.
In prison, Mandela could receive one visitor
every thirty days.

Observing the text, mark the correct alternative.
Mandela left prison in 1990.

Choose the correct alternative.
The expression “those not so fortunate” (line 13)
can be substituted by “the poor”.

Choose the correct alternative.
The expression “non-white people” (line 24)
refers to the native people of South Africa.

Choose the correct alternative.
The adjective “unjust” (line 27) means “not just”
or “unfair”.

Choose the correct alternative.
The word “riches” (line 13) is the plural form of
“rich” (line 12).

Choose the correct alternative.
The preposition “in”, from lines 6 and 7, have
the same function.

Mandela was sent to jail because he spoke too much about HIV/AIDS.

According to the text, choose the correct alternative.
Mandela was sent to jail because he opposed
apartheid in South Africa.

According to the text, choose the correct alternative.
Mandela was sent to jail because he spoke against injustice.

According to the text, choose the correct alternative.
Mandela was sentenced to go to prison because
the wanted a democratic society.

According to the text, choose the correct alternative.
After being imprisoned, Mandela continued
speaking against apartheid.

According to the text, choose the correct alternative.
This is a scientific text.

According to the text, choose the correct alternative.
This is a journalistic text.

According to the text, choose the correct alternative.
The text is characterized as political

According to the text, choose the correct alternative.
The text gives information about racial

According to the text, choose the correct alternative.
The text contains information about Nelson
Mandela’s biography.