Questões de Vestibular PUC - RS 2010 para Vestibular, Prova 02

Foram encontradas 9 questões

Ano: 2010 Banca: PUC - RS Órgão: PUC - RS Prova: PUC - RS - 2010 - PUC - RS - Vestibular - Prova 02 |
Q1262275 Inglês

INSTRUCTION: Answer question with information from text 1.


(Source: The New England Journal of Medicine,

Number 7, August 13, 2009)

According to the information from text 1, we assume that the author is
Ano: 2010 Banca: PUC - RS Órgão: PUC - RS Prova: PUC - RS - 2010 - PUC - RS - Vestibular - Prova 02 |
Q1262276 Inglês

INSTRUCTION: Answer question with information from text 1.


(Source: The New England Journal of Medicine,

Number 7, August 13, 2009)

INSTRUCTION: Answer question based on statements I, II and III.
I. Doctors encourage their patients to learn about them on sites.
II. Social networking sites are creating new challenges for those who work in clinical settings.
III. The use of paging beepers is recommended for doctors to become visible.
The only statement(s) which has/have support from the text is/are
Ano: 2010 Banca: PUC - RS Órgão: PUC - RS Prova: PUC - RS - 2010 - PUC - RS - Vestibular - Prova 02 |
Q1262277 Inglês

INSTRUCTION: Answer question with information from text 1.


(Source: The New England Journal of Medicine,

Number 7, August 13, 2009)

The best title for this text would be
Ano: 2010 Banca: PUC - RS Órgão: PUC - RS Prova: PUC - RS - 2010 - PUC - RS - Vestibular - Prova 02 |
Q1262278 Inglês

INSTRUCTION: Answer question with information from text 1.


(Source: The New England Journal of Medicine,

Number 7, August 13, 2009)

The issue raised in the second paragraph is that, through access to online media, physicians and medical institutions
Ano: 2010 Banca: PUC - RS Órgão: PUC - RS Prova: PUC - RS - 2010 - PUC - RS - Vestibular - Prova 02 |
Q1262280 Inglês

INSTRUCTION: Answer question with information from text 1.


(Source: The New England Journal of Medicine,

Number 7, August 13, 2009)

De acordo com o segundo parágrafo, a atuação dos médicos nas redes sociais NÃO deve ser
1: B
2: B
3: B
4: D
5: E