Questões de Vestibular FGV 2013 para Vestibular - Prova Objetiva Tipo A

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Ano: 2013 Banca: FGV Órgão: FGV Prova: FGV - 2013 - FGV - Vestibular - Prova Objetiva Tipo A |
Q1351977 Inglês

Adapted from Natural History, November, 2012 

According to the information in the article, pond snails
Ano: 2013 Banca: FGV Órgão: FGV Prova: FGV - 2013 - FGV - Vestibular - Prova Objetiva Tipo A |
Q1351979 Inglês

Adapted from Natural History, November, 2012 

According to the information in the article, Kenneth D. Lukowiak and his team discovered in one test that
Ano: 2013 Banca: FGV Órgão: FGV Prova: FGV - 2013 - FGV - Vestibular - Prova Objetiva Tipo A |
Q1351980 Inglês

Adapted from Natural History, November, 2012 

According to the information in the article, which of the following is most likely one of Kenneth D. Lukowiak’s opinions?
Ano: 2013 Banca: FGV Órgão: FGV Prova: FGV - 2013 - FGV - Vestibular - Prova Objetiva Tipo A |
Q1351981 Inglês

Adapted from Natural History, November, 2012 

8 According to the information in the article, which of the following was a characteristic found exclusively in those snails trained in epi-infused water?
Ano: 2013 Banca: FGV Órgão: FGV Prova: FGV - 2013 - FGV - Vestibular - Prova Objetiva Tipo A |
Q1351985 Inglês

Adapted from Prospect, February, 2013 

According to the information in the article, during the period from 1987 to the present,
6: C
7: D
8: D
9: E
10: A