Questões da Prova CESPE - 2009 - FUB - Tradutor Intérprete

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Q135837 Inglês
Based on the text above, judge the following items.

“Kids aren’t exempt just because they’re young” (l.23-24) can be correctly translated as As crianças não estão isentas apenas porque são jovens.
Q135836 Inglês
Based on the text above, judge the following items.

“A combination of new technology and the Web is responsible — at least in part — for this transformation in attitudes” (l.14-16) can be correctly translated as Uma combinação de novas tecnologias e da Internet é responsável, em grande parte, por esta transformação nas atitudes.
Q135835 Inglês
Based on the text above, judge the following items.

The word “upgrading” (l.11) can be correctly replaced by improving, without changing the general meaning of the text.
Q135834 Inglês
Based on the text above, judge the following items.

“girls are using beauty products earlier, spending more and still feeling worse about themselves” (l.5-7) can be correctly translated as as meninas estão usando produtos de beleza mais cedo, gastando mais e se sentindo piores em relação às outras.
Q135833 Inglês
In the text,

in “a former manager” (l.20), the underlined word can be correctly translated as anterior.
1: C
2: E
3: C
4: E
5: C