Questões da Prova FUNCAB - 2014 - SEE-AC - Professor de Linguagens e Códigos

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Q469956 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the questions that

At the Airport

Laura is at the airport. She waits for her flight.
Her flight is to Berlin, and it is 4 hours away. Laura
walks around the airport and looks at the shops. She
has a nice time.
After an hour she wants to visit the bathroom.
She searches for it, but she doesn’t find it. “Where is
the bathroom?” she asks herself. She looks and looks
but she can’t find it. She starts asking people
where it is.
Laura: “Excuse me sir, could you please tell
mewhere is the bathroom?”
“The restroom is over there,” the lady
answers andwalks away.
Laura is confused. “What’s their problem?
I need to use the bathroom and they send me to rest?!
I don’t need a restroom, I need the bathroom!”
After a while Laura gives up. She feels tired of
all this walking and asking. She decides that maybe
they are all right and she does need to rest. She walks
to the restroom. Now she is surprised. She realizes
the restroom is actually the name for a public
In the sentence: “She realizes the restroom is actually the name for a public bathroom.” the words REALIZES and ACTUALLY mean, respectively:
Q469955 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the questions that

At the Airport

Laura is at the airport. She waits for her flight.
Her flight is to Berlin, and it is 4 hours away. Laura
walks around the airport and looks at the shops. She
has a nice time.
After an hour she wants to visit the bathroom.
She searches for it, but she doesn’t find it. “Where is
the bathroom?” she asks herself. She looks and looks
but she can’t find it. She starts asking people
where it is.
Laura: “Excuse me sir, could you please tell
mewhere is the bathroom?”
“The restroom is over there,” the lady
answers andwalks away.
Laura is confused. “What’s their problem?
I need to use the bathroom and they send me to rest?!
I don’t need a restroom, I need the bathroom!”
After a while Laura gives up. She feels tired of
all this walking and asking. She decides that maybe
they are all right and she does need to rest. She walks
to the restroom. Now she is surprised. She realizes
the restroom is actually the name for a public
Read the sentences:

1. Laura is at the airport, ______________?

2.She wants to visit the bathroom , ______________?

3. Laura doesn’t understand, ______________?

The question tags that complete the sentences above are, respectively:
Q469953 Português
O texto adiante é uma adaptação da matéria "Índia
Yawanawá vence preconceito e faz revolução
feminina na floresta"
, originalmente publicada por
Mariana Sanches, em O GLOBO, em outubro de
2014. Leia-o, atentamente, e responda a questão
propostas a seguir.

Fonte: imagem-001.jpg


A voz é mansa. O tom é baixo. A fala é pausada.
Rucharlo Yawanawá, de 35 anos, conversa como se
a tranquilidade a habitasse. Nunca encara o
interlocutor nos olhos, não gesticula, não grita ou
gargalha. Seus modos contrastam com a revolução
que liderou em sua própria vida e na tribo Yawanawá.
Emuma aldeia nomeio da densa FlorestaAmazônica
e distante sete horas de barco do município acriano
mais próximo, Rucharlo se tornou a primeira mulher
pajé – líder espiritual – de seu povo e, talvez, do país.
É um raríssimo caso de liderança espiritual indígena
feminina no Brasil.

O xamã ou pajé é, ao lado do cacique, a maior
autoridade de um grupo indígena. No caso dos
Yawanawá, são eles os guardiões dos
conhecimentos da tribo, desde a medicina até as
artes. Acredita-se que tenham dons sobrenaturais –
de adivinhação, de cura e até mesmo de matar
inimigos telepaticamente. Fazem também a
interlocução entre os vivos e os ancestrais. Segundo
a sabedoria indígena, são os espíritos que ensinam
ao pajé os segredos mágicos. [...] Tais comunicações
acontecem em rituais em que os líderes espirituais
tomam ayahuasca (chamada por eles de uni) e
inalamrapé (umamistura de tabaco empó e da casca
moída de uma árvore amazônica chamada por eles
de tsunu).
O efeito alucinógeno e estimulante das substâncias
permitiria aos xamãs entrar no mundo dos mortos e
nos sonhos das pessoas doentes. As doenças,
segundo os Yawanawá, sempre têm explicação
espiritual. E é o xamã quem descobre a causa do
problema nessas incursões oníricas [...].

O processo para se tornar líder espiritual é, assim
como o uso da ayahuasca, milenar. Até 2005, era
também exclusivamente masculino [...].

No período da reclusão, Rucharlo começou a
desenhar as revelações que recebia. Sem conhecer
as letras, ela se fazia entender e registrava seu
aprendizado por rabiscos. De tão bonitos, seus
quadros já foram expostos em museus no Rio de
Janeiro e em Minas Gerais. Com o tempo também
descobriu que tinha o dom de “sentir o cheiro das
doenças”, como descreve – habilidade fundamental
para qualquer curandeiro.Mas, no processo, também
chegou muito perto da morte. [...].

– Eu tinha que provar que era capaz. Sabia que era
minha missão colocar as mulheres em um novo
patamar, eu tinha que resistir – afirma Rucharlo [...].

Na crença indígena, pajés são seres evoluídos, a
meio caminho entre os vivos e os mortos. Por isso
falam vagarosamente e não encaram um olhar. Se o
mundo de Rucharlo mudou depois de sua
experiência, ela também mudou a tribo e o mundo das
demais mulheres da aldeia.

De acordo com o texto, para os Yawanawá, falar mansa e pausadamente, não encarar o interlocutor, não gesticular nem gritar ou gargalhar são demonstrações de:
Q469853 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Text 1:

At the Airport

Laura is at the airport. She waits for her flight. Her flight is to Berlin, and it is 4 hours away. Laura walks around the airport and looks at the shops. She has a nice time.

After an hour she wants to visit the bathroom. She searches for it, but she doesn’t find it. “Where is the bathroom?” she asks herself. She looks and looks but she can’t find it. She starts asking people where it is.

Laura: “Excuse me sir, could you please tell mewhere is the bathroom?”
Man: “Youmean the restroom, right?”
Laura: “No, Imean the bathroom.”
Man: “Well, the restroom is over there.” He says andwalks away.

Laura doesn’t understand. She asks a lady: “Excusememadam, could you please tellmewhere is the bathroom?”

“The restroom is over there,” the lady answers andwalks away.

Laura is confused. “What’s their problem? I need to use the bathroomand they sendme to rest?! I don’t need a restroom, I need the bathroom!”

After a while Laura gives up. She feels tired of all this walking and asking. She decides that maybe they are all right and she does need to rest. She walks to the restroom. Now she is surprised. She realizes the restroom is actually the name for a public bathroom!

(Taken from: <>)

According to the last paragraph, we can conclude that:
Q469849 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Text 1:

At the Airport

Laura is at the airport. She waits for her flight. Her flight is to Berlin, and it is 4 hours away. Laura walks around the airport and looks at the shops. She has a nice time.

After an hour she wants to visit the bathroom. She searches for it, but she doesn’t find it. “Where is the bathroom?” she asks herself. She looks and looks but she can’t find it. She starts asking people where it is.

Laura: “Excuse me sir, could you please tell mewhere is the bathroom?”
Man: “Youmean the restroom, right?”
Laura: “No, Imean the bathroom.”
Man: “Well, the restroom is over there.” He says andwalks away.

Laura doesn’t understand. She asks a lady: “Excusememadam, could you please tellmewhere is the bathroom?”

“The restroom is over there,” the lady answers andwalks away.

Laura is confused. “What’s their problem? I need to use the bathroomand they sendme to rest?! I don’t need a restroom, I need the bathroom!”

After a while Laura gives up. She feels tired of all this walking and asking. She decides that maybe they are all right and she does need to rest. She walks to the restroom. Now she is surprised. She realizes the restroom is actually the name for a public bathroom!

(Taken from: <>)

Choose the correct sentence about Laura, according to the text.
11: C
12: D
13: A
14: E
15: D