Questões da Prova ESAF - 2014 - Receita Federal - Auditor Fiscal da Receita Federal - Prova 01

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Q380095 Português
Assinale a opção que preenche as lacunas do texto de forma a torná-lo coeso, coerente e gramaticalmente correto.

Depois de cair logo após a reforma do regime previdenciário do setor público de 2003—que extinguiu a aposentadoria integral __1__ servidor que ainda não contava __2__ direito e fixou condições mais rigorosas __3__ novas aposentadorias—,a proporção dos servidores inativo sem relação ao total de funcionários da União se estabilizou e,__4__gradual envelhecimento médio dos funcionários ativos, poderá voltar a crescer __5__ pouco tempo.Um estudo divulgado __6__ pouco pela Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap) mostra que, atualmente, os inativos dos Três Poderes e do Ministério Público Federal representam 48% do total de servidores.Entre os servidores civis do Poder Executivo Federal a proporção é ainda maior: 52%

(Adaptado de O Estado de S. Paulo, 17/02/2014.)

Q380094 Português
Assinale a opção que preenche as lacunas do texto de forma gramaticalmente correta e textualmente coerente.

Sem __1__ pujança econômica de outrora, __2__ Europa registra nos últimos tempos o fortalecimento de pressões xenófobas e anti-imigração.Após __3__ crise global, iniciada em 2008, e o consequente aumento dos índices de desemprego no continente, grupos de extrema- direita conquistaram níveis inéditos de participação nos Parlamentos nacionais da Suécia e da Grécia.Não satisfeitos em exercer__4__ representação política, tais agremiações têm protagonizado lamentáveis episódios de agressão__5__minorias de outras nacionalidades.

(Adaptado de Folha de S. Paulo, 12/02/2014.)

Q380093 Português
Em relação às estruturas linguísticas do texto ,assinale a opção incorreta.


Q380092 Inglês
Customs enforcement is concerned with the protection of society and fghting trans-national organized crime based on the principles of risk management. In discharging this mandate, Customs compliance and enforcement services are involved in a wide range of activities relating to information and intelligence exchange, combating commercial fraud, counterfeiting, the smuggling of highly taxed goods (especially cigarettes and alcohol), drug traffcking, stolen motor vehicles, money laundering, electronic crime, smuggling of arms, nuclear materials, toxic waste and weapons of mass destruction. Enforcement activities also aim to protect intellectual and cultural property and endangered plants and animal species.
In order to assist its Members improve the effectiveness of their enforcement efforts and achieve a balance between control and facilitation, the World Customs Organisation has developed a comprehensive technical assistance and training programmes. In addition, it has established Regional Intelligence Liaison Offces (RILOs) that are supported by a global database, the Customs Enforcement Network (CEN), to facilitate the exchange and use of information.

The WCO has also developed instruments for international co-operation in the form of the revised Model Bilateral Agreement (MBA); the Nairobi Convention, which provides for mutual administrative assistance in the prevention, investigation and repression of Customs offences; and the Johannesburg Convention, which provides for mutual administrative assistance in Customs matters. The WCO’s Customs Control and Enforcement programme therefore aims to promote effective enforcement practices and encourage co-operation among its Members and with its various competent partners and stakeholders.

(Source: overview.aspx, retrieved on 12 March 2014.)

The text explains that the mandate of the World Customs Organisation comprises both
Q380091 Inglês
Customs enforcement is concerned with the protection of society and fghting trans-national organized crime based on the principles of risk management. In discharging this mandate, Customs compliance and enforcement services are involved in a wide range of activities relating to information and intelligence exchange, combating commercial fraud, counterfeiting, the smuggling of highly taxed goods (especially cigarettes and alcohol), drug traffcking, stolen motor vehicles, money laundering, electronic crime, smuggling of arms, nuclear materials, toxic waste and weapons of mass destruction. Enforcement activities also aim to protect intellectual and cultural property and endangered plants and animal species.
In order to assist its Members improve the effectiveness of their enforcement efforts and achieve a balance between control and facilitation, the World Customs Organisation has developed a comprehensive technical assistance and training programmes. In addition, it has established Regional Intelligence Liaison Offces (RILOs) that are supported by a global database, the Customs Enforcement Network (CEN), to facilitate the exchange and use of information.

The WCO has also developed instruments for international co-operation in the form of the revised Model Bilateral Agreement (MBA); the Nairobi Convention, which provides for mutual administrative assistance in the prevention, investigation and repression of Customs offences; and the Johannesburg Convention, which provides for mutual administrative assistance in Customs matters. The WCO’s Customs Control and Enforcement programme therefore aims to promote effective enforcement practices and encourage co-operation among its Members and with its various competent partners and stakeholders.

(Source: overview.aspx, retrieved on 12 March 2014.)

In accordance with the passage, 'customs enforcement' can best be defined as the prevention of criminal activities
26: D
27: B
28: E
29: B
30: D