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Ano: 2009 Banca: ESAF Órgão: ESAF
Q1239378 Inglês
Happy new year
Source: Jul 2nd 2009 (Adapted)
The mantra in Washington, DC is simple: spend billions now, pay later. Congress has been crafting ambitious plans for energy, health care and transport. But the mood in state capitals has been different. Forty-six states had a deadline of June 0th to pass their budgets. Just as important, those budgets had to be balanced. With the sole exemption of Vermont, America ́s state governments, unlike the federal one, are not allowed to run deficits. June was an agonizing month.
On the morning of July 1st, the first day of the new fiscal year for most states, taxpayers had reason to be glum. Connecticut, North Carolina and Ohio had passed temporary extensions. California, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Illinois did not have a balanced budget as required. Most states that did pass budgets imposed painful cuts, higher taxes and fees on everything from pesticides in Minnesota to hunting licences in Maine.
Matters would be worse if it were not for Washington ́s stimulus package, which provides more than $135 billion to support state budgets. Most money, $87 billion, is for Medicaid, the government ́s health-care programme for the poor. A further $48 billion created a State Fiscal Stabilisation Fund, mostly for schools and universities.
According to paragraph 3,
Ano: 2009 Banca: ESAF Órgão: ESAF
Q1229287 Inglês
Faith-based politics
Source: Newsweek Magazine (Adapted) May 25th 2009
Tony Blair, Britain ́s longest-serving Labour Prime Minister, left office in 2007 as a relatively young man of 54. At his office in London, Blair spoke to NEWSWEEK ́s Stryker McGuire. Excerpts:
Question 2: How do you think President Barack Obama is doing as a leader and healer on the world scene? 
He ́s created a situation where there is a possibility of a completely different form of engagement with the world of Islam and with the outside world. The single most important thing for him is that his decision to reach out is answered by the rest of the world by a decision to reach back. As I keep saying to people, he doesn ́t want cheerleaders; he wants partners. You know, he doesn ́t want people to tell him how great he is; he ́s perfectly well aware of the transient nature of all that fluff, as it were, around the new president and the first hundred days. He ́s trying to change the world in partnership, and he needs partners to do it.
In his answer to question 2, Mr Blair says that President Barack Obama is “perfectly well aware of the transient nature of all that fluff.” In other words, the US President
Q576071 Inglês

Text 3

                                                                                             Small, cold, and absurdly far away, Pluto has

                                                                                                            always been selfi sh with its secrets.

                THE X – FILES

      It wouldn´t be the fi rst time Pluto has confounded expectations. In 2006, the year New Horizons was launched, Pluto vanished from the list of planets and reappeared as a “dwarf planet.” That, of course, had more to do with astronomers on Earth than any celestial sleight of hand, but the truth is, Pluto has been a tough world to crack since before it was discovered.

      By the turn of the century, the hunt for that missing planet had gathered momentum: Whoever found it would earn the shiny distinction of discovering the first new planet in more than 50 years. Calling the rogue world “Planet X,”, Boston aristocrat Percival Lowell – perhaps best known for claiming to have spotted irrigation canals on the surface of Mars – vigorously took up the search. Lowell had built his own observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, and in 1905 it became the epicenter of the search for Planet X, with Lowell calculating and recalculating its probable position and borrowing equipment for the hunt. 

      But Lowell died in 1916, without knowing that Planet X really existed.

      Fast-forward to 1930. Late one February afternoon, 24-year-old Clyde Tombaugh was parked in his spot at Lowell Observatory. A transplant from the farm fields of Kansas, Tombaugh had been assigned the task of searching for Lowell`s elusive planet. He had no formal training in astronomy but had developed a skill for building telescopes, sometimes from old car parts and other improbable items.

                                                                 (Source: National Geographic Magazine – July 2015 - http://

                                                         print/2015/07/ pluto/drake-text


Accordind to the text, Clyde Tombaugh had been
Q576070 Inglês

Text 3

                                                                                             Small, cold, and absurdly far away, Pluto has

                                                                                                            always been selfi sh with its secrets.

                THE X – FILES

      It wouldn´t be the fi rst time Pluto has confounded expectations. In 2006, the year New Horizons was launched, Pluto vanished from the list of planets and reappeared as a “dwarf planet.” That, of course, had more to do with astronomers on Earth than any celestial sleight of hand, but the truth is, Pluto has been a tough world to crack since before it was discovered.

      By the turn of the century, the hunt for that missing planet had gathered momentum: Whoever found it would earn the shiny distinction of discovering the first new planet in more than 50 years. Calling the rogue world “Planet X,”, Boston aristocrat Percival Lowell – perhaps best known for claiming to have spotted irrigation canals on the surface of Mars – vigorously took up the search. Lowell had built his own observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, and in 1905 it became the epicenter of the search for Planet X, with Lowell calculating and recalculating its probable position and borrowing equipment for the hunt. 

      But Lowell died in 1916, without knowing that Planet X really existed.

      Fast-forward to 1930. Late one February afternoon, 24-year-old Clyde Tombaugh was parked in his spot at Lowell Observatory. A transplant from the farm fields of Kansas, Tombaugh had been assigned the task of searching for Lowell`s elusive planet. He had no formal training in astronomy but had developed a skill for building telescopes, sometimes from old car parts and other improbable items.

                                                                 (Source: National Geographic Magazine – July 2015 - http://

                                                         print/2015/07/ pluto/drake-text


The sentence “Percival Lowell perhaps best known for claiming to have spotted irrigation canals on the surface of Mars” means that he
Q576069 Inglês

Text 3

                                                                                             Small, cold, and absurdly far away, Pluto has

                                                                                                            always been selfi sh with its secrets.

                THE X – FILES

      It wouldn´t be the fi rst time Pluto has confounded expectations. In 2006, the year New Horizons was launched, Pluto vanished from the list of planets and reappeared as a “dwarf planet.” That, of course, had more to do with astronomers on Earth than any celestial sleight of hand, but the truth is, Pluto has been a tough world to crack since before it was discovered.

      By the turn of the century, the hunt for that missing planet had gathered momentum: Whoever found it would earn the shiny distinction of discovering the first new planet in more than 50 years. Calling the rogue world “Planet X,”, Boston aristocrat Percival Lowell – perhaps best known for claiming to have spotted irrigation canals on the surface of Mars – vigorously took up the search. Lowell had built his own observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, and in 1905 it became the epicenter of the search for Planet X, with Lowell calculating and recalculating its probable position and borrowing equipment for the hunt. 

      But Lowell died in 1916, without knowing that Planet X really existed.

      Fast-forward to 1930. Late one February afternoon, 24-year-old Clyde Tombaugh was parked in his spot at Lowell Observatory. A transplant from the farm fields of Kansas, Tombaugh had been assigned the task of searching for Lowell`s elusive planet. He had no formal training in astronomy but had developed a skill for building telescopes, sometimes from old car parts and other improbable items.

                                                                 (Source: National Geographic Magazine – July 2015 - http://

                                                         print/2015/07/ pluto/drake-text


In the first paragraph, the expression “sleight of hand” means
1: B
2: B
3: B
4: C
5: C