Questões da Prova CESGRANRIO - 2008 - BR Distribuidora - Analista de Sistemas Júnior - Infra-Estrutura

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Q14529 Inglês
The text as a whole is both
Q10882 Inglês
The fragment "Brazil's leaders should ask themselves why so many other countries have made bigger returns from a much smaller natural endowment." (lines 56-58) means that Brazil's leaders
Q10881 Inglês
According to Paragraph 6 (lines 48-54), oil can be considered a cause of concern because
Q10880 Inglês
The only item where the boldfaced word may be replaced by furthermore is
Q10879 Inglês
In terms of reference, it is correct to affirm that
1: C
2: E
3: D
4: C
5: E