Questões da Prova FUMARC - 2010 - CEMIG-TELECOM - Técnico de Operação

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Q108814 Inglês
The word these in “These will either become increasingly scarce” refers to

Q108813 Inglês
Write True (T) or False (F).

( ) Both the sun and wind are good sources because they will end very soon.
( ) Oil, gas, coal or nuclear power are forms of energy that will ultimately finish.
( ) Renewable energy produces material which has been used and is no longer wanted.
Q108812 Inglês
The text states that the number of people who seek for renewable sources of energy is _________
Q108811 Inglês
When Betsy says that her cat “is a loner and doesn’t get along well with other cats.” she means that
Q108810 Inglês
The correct word to complete the sentence “I made a mental list of people and then I turned to a cousin __________ dog had recently died.” is
1: A
2: A
3: B
4: C
5: D