Questões da Prova COSEAC - 2009 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Redes

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Q113281 Inglês
This machine runs on a _____ that will make any other seemold.
Q113280 Inglês
The last sentece of the text “still, if you been running Windows without …” the word still could be replaced by … without altering its meaning.
Q113279 Inglês
The new antivirus packege will…
Q113278 Inglês
By saying “ we don't suggest throwing away your third- party software just yet, the authormeans that…
Q113277 Inglês
In the tthird paragraph, second line, the author says: “Given that a bundle solution…” the bundle word means…
1: B
2: D
3: A
4: A
5: B