Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Porto Feliz - SP 2017 para PAEB II - Inglês

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Q1719183 Inglês
Several researchers committed to The English Language have reflected on the attitude of the English teacher and students. Observes the existence of a certain adoration of the foreign culture on the part of some professors, fact that according to the author reflects a current social model of increasing appreciation of the foreigner and absorption of certain cultural models. However, we can see that the goals when we refer to learning of a foreign language on the part of the students are the most varied and the attitude of worship usually does not present itself so frequently. Considering this, choose the CORRECT alternative about the process of learning the English Language.
Q1719184 Inglês
The root of this problem is often evident in the teacher training itself, which is usually guided by an emphasis on the theoretical aspects of learning and teaching techniques, as if learning to be an English teacher restricted himself to learning to use techniques. In training courses, little or nothing is said that in terms of reflection on the nature and social function of this practice. Considering the role of meaningful learning, choose the CORRECT alternative.
1: C
2: C