Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Pitangueiras - SP 2019 para Professor Educação Básica II - Inglês

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Q1787974 Inglês
As práticas de leitura de textos em Língua Inglesa (verbais, verbo-visuais, multimodais) envolvem articulação com os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos em língua materna e em outras línguas. Assinale, a seguir, um objeto de conhecimento específico do eixo Leitura.
Q1787975 Inglês
“The ‘fourth-grade slump’ (Chall et al. 1990) is the phenomenon where some children seem to acquire reading (i.e. pass reading tests) fine in the early grades, but fail to be able to use reading to learn school content in the later grades, when the language demands of that content (e.g. science) get more and more complex. The fourth-grade slump is made up of kids who can ‘read,’ in the sense of decode and assign superficial literal meanings to texts, but can’t ‘read’ in the sense of understanding, in any deep way, informational texts written in fairly complex language. From remarks like the one quoted above, it would certainly seem that the problems poor and minority children have with learning to read must lie, for the most part, some place else than a lack of early phonemic awareness training or other early ‘basic skills’ training. The fourth-grade slump tells us this much (because here we see kids who have mastered early reading skills of the sorts traditionalists stress, but still can’t read to learn in the later grades).” (GEE, James Paul. Situated Language and Learning: a critique of traditional schooling. London, Routdlege, 2004.)
Quando o aprendiz apenas decodifica um texto, podemos afirmar que:
Q1787976 Inglês
“Do poor children have less ‘language ability’ than rich ones? The way the term is being used above certainly makes it sound as if they do. But no, they don’t. Linguists have known for years that all children—including poor children—have impressive language ability. The vast majority of children enter school with vocabularies fully fit for everyday life, with complex grammar and with deep understandings of experiences and stories. It has been decades since anyone believed that poor and minority children entered school with ‘no language’ (Labov, 1972; Gee, 1996). Every human being, barring those with very serious disorders, acquires a complex native language early in life, a language fully fit for the task of leading daily life in a human culture.” (GEE, James Paul. Situated Language and Learning: a critique of traditional schooling. London, Routdlege, 2004.)
Assinale a afirmativa coerente com o texto.
Q1787977 Inglês
“After the acquisition of their vernacular variety has started, people often also go on to acquire various non-vernacular specialist varieties of language used for special purposes and activities. For example, they may acquire a way of talking (and writing) about fundamentalist Christian theology, video games, or bird-watching. Specialist varieties of language are different—sometimes in small ways, sometimes in large ways—from people’s vernacular varieties of language. One category of specialist varieties of language is what we can call academic varieties of language: that is, the varieties of language connected to learning and using information from academic or school-based content areas (Gee 2002; Schleppegrell 2004; Schleppegrell and Cecilia Colombi 2002). The varieties of language used in (different branches) of biology, physics, law, or literary criticism fall into this category.” (GEE, James Paul. Situated Language and Learning: a critique of traditional schooling. London, Routdlege, 2004.)
Segundo o texto, é correto afirmar que:
Q1787978 Inglês
A BNCC para Língua Inglesa – Anos Finais propõe eixos organizadores do componente Língua Inglesa. NÃO representa um desses eixos:
1: A
2: C
3: D
4: C
5: C