Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Vitória - ES 2019 para Professor de Educação Básica III – PEB III – Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 2 questões

Q1651665 Inglês
Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:
“Bearing that in mind, among educators there has to be an acknowledgment that any effort to transform institutions in order to reflect a multi-cultural standpoint must take into consideration the fears teachers have when asked to shift their paradigms.”
Without changing the meaning, it is correct to substitute the conjunction in order to in the clause above for:
Q1651666 Inglês
Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:
“I have taught brilliant students of color, many of them seniors, Students of color, many of them seniors, who have skillfully managed never to speak in classroom settings. Some express the feeling that they are less likely to suffer any kind of assault if they simply do not assert their subjectivity.”
The words “skillfully” and “simply” can be related in terms of language because they are:
1: B
2: C