Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2023 para Terceiro-Secretário da Carreira Diplomata - Tarde

Foram encontradas 152 questões

Q2406449 Inglês

Text to answer the question. 

In: Political thought: the problem with liberalism.

The Economist, Edição impressa, p. 74, 27 jan. 2018. 

As far as comprehension of the text above is concerned, mark the statements below as right (C) or wrong (E).  

“Twilight” (line 7) can be correctly replaced with “a period of decline.” 
Q2406450 Inglês

Text to answer the question. 

In: Political thought: the problem with liberalism.

The Economist, Edição impressa, p. 74, 27 jan. 2018. 

As far as comprehension of the text above is concerned, mark the statements below as right (C) or wrong (E).  

“Drudgery” (line 15) means “boring, hard, routine work”.
Q2406451 Inglês

Text to answer the question. 

In: Political thought: the problem with liberalism.

The Economist, Edição impressa, p. 74, 27 jan. 2018. 

As far as grammar is concerned, mark the statements below as right (C) or wrong (E).

The word “ever” (line 14) can be correctly replaced with “increasingly”, in this particular context, without effecting any change in the original meaning.

Q2406452 Inglês

Text to answer the question. 

In: Political thought: the problem with liberalism.

The Economist, Edição impressa, p. 74, 27 jan. 2018. 

As far as grammar is concerned, mark the statements below as right (C) or wrong (E).

The suffix “-ish” in “leftish” (line 26) adds the notion of “somewhat or tending to” to the adjective “left”.

Q2406453 Inglês

Text to answer the question. 

In: Political thought: the problem with liberalism.

The Economist, Edição impressa, p. 74, 27 jan. 2018. 

As far as grammar is concerned, mark the statements below as right (C) or wrong (E).

The word “this” (line 18) refers to “lie” (line 17).

11: E
12: C
13: C
14: C
15: E