Questões de Concurso Público Ceitec S.A 2016 para Técnico Administrativo e Operacional - Administração

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Q742104 Inglês

Text 4 to answer question.
When combined with the right preposition, the word “turn” can have several different meanings. Choose the meaning that is correct for its respective “turn + preposition”.
Q742105 Inglês
According to your knowledge of English and to the text, the expression “kicking back” (line 2) means to
Q742106 Inglês
Regarding your knowledge of English and the text, choose the correct alternative.
Q742107 Inglês
The sentence below with the same syntactic function as the underlined part of the excerpt “As a job-seeker, does December bring about thoughts of kicking back, relaxing and taking a long winter's nap?” (lines 1 and 2) is
Q742108 Inglês
According to the context of the sentence “So, if you stay active, make your presence known and build connections, you will be setting yourself up to be first in line when hiring takes off” (lines 14 to 16), the meaning of “take off” is to
16: C
17: A
18: D
19: B
20: A