Questões de Concurso Público Senado Federal 2012 para Analista Legislativo - Análise de Suporte de Sistemas, Reaplicação

Foram encontradas 8 questões

Q1625597 Inglês

Performance and accountability:

Making government work

The title implies that the aim of this text is to make public administration
Q1625598 Inglês

Performance and accountability:

Making government work

The recommendation of this text is that governments should shift their focus from
Q1625599 Inglês

Performance and accountability:

Making government work

In the first paragraph we learn that the governments in some countries have
Q1625601 Inglês

Performance and accountability:

Making government work

When the text informs that governments have been focusing on “their accountability” (line 26), this means they have had to
Q1625602 Inglês

Performance and accountability:

Making government work

The word that has the same meaning as “fostering” in “fostering these developments” (line 35) is
1: C
2: D
3: A
4: D
5: A