Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Marabá - PA 2022 para Professor Licenciado em Língua estrangeira - Inglês

Foram encontradas 50 questões

Q2372566 Inglês
Aeroponics: feeding tomorrow's world? 

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According to the text, one of the advantages of the aeroponic system is that it
Q2372567 Inglês
Aeroponics: feeding tomorrow's world? 

Adapted from:
Based on the text, the main way to deal with the challenges of feeding tomorrow´s world is to 
Q2372568 Inglês
Aeroponics: feeding tomorrow's world? 

Adapted from:
The meaning of the underlined phrasal verb in “Studies have shown that packaging and distribution systems account for about 25% of total wastage of fresh fruit and vegetables, leaving plenty of opportunity for improvement.” (7th paragraph) is to 
Q2372569 Inglês
Aeroponics: feeding tomorrow's world? 

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Check the alternative which contains a subordinating conjunction.
Q2372570 Inglês
Aeroponics: feeding tomorrow's world? 

Adapted from:
The underlined word in “According to a United Nations FAO report published in 2011, almost half of the fruit and vegetables produced in the world go to waste – they never get consumed by the humans for whom they are grown.” (2nd paragraph) refers to
31: B
32: D
33: A
34: C
35: C